What to know what is happening this month or has happened in the past at St. Clement’s? Here is a Calendar of Events with a calendar of the current month as well as event details plus links for your calendar (you just need to click on the link and it will automatically take you to the Google Calendar entry. You can then add it to your Calendar from there. Details for each event listed are updated as and when they are decided or become known. There is also a short past events section with key events in St. Clement’s recent history including photographs or other media.

St Clements Logo - Calendar of Events

Calendar of Events for March 2025



11.15am – Sung Eucharist for the Sunday before Lent 



6pm – Lenten Bible Study.


8pm – Sung Eucharist for Ash Wednesday



11.15am – Sung Eucharist for the First Sunday of Lent



6pm – Lenten Bible Study



7pm – First St. Clement’s Bimonthly Online Prayer Meeting



11.15am – Sung Eucharist for the Second Sunday of Lent



6pm – Lenten Bible Study


5pm – Evensong from the Book of Common Prayer 1662



11.15am – Sung Eucharist for the Third Sunday of Lent



6pm – Lenten Bible Study



7pm – Second St. Clement’ s Bimonthly Online Prayer Meeting



11.15am – Sung Eucharist for the Fourth Sunday of Lent and Mothering Sunday


March 2025 

Tuesday 25th March 2025 at 6pm – Lenten Bible Study. In Lent our Bible Study sessions change slightly, and we will be taking “Living Hope” as our theme this Lent. We will start as ever with breaking bread together at 6pm, with Bible Study itself beginning around 7pm and lasting about an hour. If the outside door is locked when you arrive, please press the bell marked “Sborový Kancelář” & we’ll buzz you in! 

Friday 28th March 2025 at 7pm – Second St. Clement’s Bimonthly Online Prayer Meeting. The Scriptures tell us that there are several reasons to pray. Saint Paul in his Letter to the Ephesians, says “And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the Lord’s people.” Please join us online twice a month and share this wonderful, uplifting experience with us. Please contact the Chaplain at chaplain@anglican.cz for further details including login for this second March Session.  

Sunday 30th March 2025 at 11.15am – Sung Eucharist for the Fourth Sunday of Lent and Mothering Sunday. On this the Fourth Sunday of Lent and Mothering Sunday, please join us for a Sung Eucharist. Our Bible Readings will be Psalm 32, and 2 Corinthians 5:16-21, and our Reading from the Holy Gospel will be: Luke 15:1-3 & 11-32. Our Hymns will be: TBC. If you would like to practise the hymns beforehand you can find them and many others at www.hymnary.org. Please click here for the Bulletin for this service and here for the Order of Service which you can follow should there not be enough physical copies.

April 2025 

Tuesday 1st April 2025 at 6pm – Lenten Bible Study. In Lent our Bible Study sessions change slightly, and we will be taking “Living Hope” as our theme this Lent. We will start as ever with breaking bread together at 6pm, with Bible Study itself beginning around 7pm and lasting about an hour. If the outside door is locked when you arrive, please press the bell marked “Sborový Kancelář” & we’ll buzz you in!

Wednesday 2nd April 2025 at 5pm – Evensong from the Book of Common Prayer 1662. The origins of Evensong date back to Christian and Jewish prayers at the end of the day and the shape of Evensong was first set by the great Reformation Martyr Archbishop Thomas Cranmer in the first Book of Common Prayer (1549), based on the Catholic offices (daily services) of Vespers and Compline. Join us and participate in an intense, intimate act of worship that has entranced Anglicans by its simplicity and uplifting language for over three and a half centuries. Find out more about our Book of Common Prayer Services at St. Clement’s here.

Sunday 6th April 2025 at 11.15am – Sung Eucharist for the Fifth Sunday of Lent.  On this the Fifth Sunday of Lent, please join us for a Sung Eucharist. Our Bible Readings will be Isaiah 43:16-21, and Philippians 3:4-14, and our Reading from the Holy Gospel will be: TBC. Our Hymns will be: TBC. If you would like to practise the hymns beforehand you can find them and many others at www.hymnary.org. Please click here for the Bulletin for this service and here for the Order of Service which you can follow should there not be enough physical copies.

Tuesday 8th April 2025 at 6pm – Lenten Bible Study. In Lent our Bible Study sessions change slightly, and we will be taking “Living Hope” as our theme this Lent. We will start as ever with breaking bread together at 6pm, with Bible Study itself beginning around 7pm and lasting about an hour. If the outside door is locked when you arrive, please press the bell marked “Sborový Kancelář” & we’ll buzz you in!

Friday 11th April 2025 at 7pm – First St. Clement’s Bimonthly Online Prayer Meeting. The Scriptures tell us that there are several reasons to pray. Saint Paul in his Letter to the Ephesians, says “And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the Lord’s people.” Please join us online twice a month and share this wonderful, uplifting experience with us. Please contact the Chaplain at chaplain@anglican.cz for further details including login for this first April Session.  

Sunday 13th April 2025 at 11.15am – Sung Eucharist for Palm Sunday. Palm, Sunday is a key Sunday in our Christian year, marking the day Jesus entered Jerusalem as a king, riding on a donkey, while crowds welcomed him by waving palm branches and shouting “Hosanna.” It celebrates the start of Holy Week and reminds us of Jesus’ humility, his fulfillment of prophecy, and the beginning of his journey toward the crucifixion and resurrection. Our Bible Readings will be Isaiah 50:4–9, and Philippians 2:5–11, and our Reading from the Holy Gospel will be: TBC. Our Hymns will be: TBC. If you would like to practise the hymns beforehand you can find them and many others at www.hymnary.org. Please click here for the Bulletin for this service and here for the Order of Service which you can follow should there not be enough physical copies.

Wednesday 16th April 2025 at 5pm – Evensong from the Book of Commom Prayer 1662. The origins of Evensong date back to Christian and Jewish prayers at the end of the day and the shape of Evensong was first set by the great Reformation Martyr Archbishop Thomas Cranmer in the first Book of Common Prayer (1549), based on the Catholic offices (daily services) of Vespers and Compline. Join us and participate in an intense, intimate act of worship that has entranced Anglicans by its simplicity and uplifting language for over three and a half centuries. Find out more about our Book of Common Prayer Services at St. Clement’s here.

Thursday 17th April 2025 at 6pm – Sung Eucharist for Maundy Thursday. Maundy Thursday is a moment of reflection on sacrifice, love, humility, and service. It sets the tone for Good Friday and Easter, reminding us of the depth of Jesus’ love and the beginning of his journey to the cross. Please join us for this special service. Our Readings will be Exodus 12:1-14 and 1 Corinthians 11:23-26. 

Friday 18th April 2025 at 2pm – Devotional Service for Good Friday. As Good Friday is a public holiday in the Czech Republic, our service will begin at 14.00 hrs and lasts for an hour to mark the Last Hour on the Cross. Our Biblical readings will be Isaiah 52:13 – 53: 12, the ‘Suffering Servant’, the penitential Psalm 22:1-11, together with the whole of the passion narrative from the Gospel of John 18:1 – 19. 42

Sunday 20th April 2025 at 11.15am – Sung Eucharist for Easter Sunday. Easter Sunday is important to us all because it celebrates the resurrection of Jesus Christ, which is the foundation of our Christian faith. It symbolises his victory over sin and death, offering hope of eternal life to all believers, with the resurrection fulfilling biblical prophecies and confirming him as the Son of God and our Saviour. For us Christians, Easter represents new life, hope, and the promise of salvation. Our Easter Reagins will be Acts 10:34-43 and 1 Corinthians 15:19-26, and our Reading from the Holy Gospel will be: TBC. 

Friday 25th April 2025 at 7pm – Second St. Clement’s Bimonthly Online Prayer Meeting. The Scriptures tell us that there are several reasons to pray. Saint Paul in his Letter to the Ephesians, says “And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the Lord’s people.” Please join us online twice a month and share this wonderful, uplifting experience with us. Please contact the Chaplain at chaplain@anglican.cz for further details including login for this first April Session.

Sunday 27th April 2025 at 11.15am – Sung Eucharist for the Second Sunday of Easter. On this the Second Sunday of Easter, please join us for a Sung Eucharist. Our Bible Readings will be Acts 5:27-32, and Revelation 1:4-8, and our Reading from the Holy Gospel will be: TBC. Our Hymns will be: TBC. If you would like to practise the hymns beforehand you can find them and many others at www.hymnary.org. Please click here for the Bulletin for this service and here for the Order of Service which you can follow should there not be enough physical copies.

Sunday 27th April 2025 at 1pm – Annual Church Meeting (ACM). Our ACM will be held following worship, on Sunday 27th April 2025. To be eligible to either stand for election to the Church Council, and/or vote at the ACM, you need to be a member of the Church Electoral Roll or CER. According to the the rules that govern the Church of England, once every six years our Church Electoral Roll has to be completely revised, and current members who wish to remain on it all need to re-apply, together with new people who are now eligible to join and wish to do so. The CER needs to be revised this year because it was last revised in 2019. The membership forms are available at the back of the church and also for download on the following link: Microsoft Word – Application for Electoral Roll Clean as From AHS 101025 1349 After completing it you can either send it by email to the Chaplaincy’s Electoral Roll Officer for 2025 – Alexander Rupert Felsing, at electoralroll@anglican.cz or to the Chaplain at chaplain@anglican.cz, or alternatively send it via post to his address at Pat’anka 2614/11A, 160 00 Prague 6 – Dejvice at the very latest by 12th April 2025 as the final electoral roll has to be completed at least fifteen days before the Annual Church Meeting.

Looking Ahead

Sunday 4th May 2025 at 1pm – Annual Church Auction. Please join us for our Annual Church Auction Fundraiser to be held in Klimentská 18 — it’s a fun-filled event for the whole family! Come and participate in the excitement of bidding on a range of exciting items, from homemade baked goods and handcrafted treasures to local services and unique experiences. Every bid helps support our church programmes and outreach efforts. Bring your friends and family, enjoy some hot and cold refreshments and home baked cookies, and don’t miss your chance to take home something special while making a difference. We can’t wait to see you there!

St Clements logo - Calendar of Events

Selected Past Events

Sunday 22nd December 2024 at 6.30pm – Ukrainian Service of Lessons and Carols. Ukraine is a country steeped in music, and carols play a special part in that musical tradition. From the world-famous Carol of the Bells to less well known, but nonetheless beautiful compositions, many based on folk tunes, we were happy to host over 100 attendees to such a joyous bi-lingual service for our Ukrainian brethren and visitors at such a difficult time for their country. Carols included “Oy, u Vyflyyemi” (“Ой, у Вифлиємi”), “Spi, Isuse, Spi” (“Спи, Ісусе, спи”), “V Vyflyyemi Stala Novyna” (“В Вифлиємі стала новина”), and “V Vyflyyemi Tseii Dnyny” (“В Вифлиємі цеї днини”). Please click here for the full Programme for this unique and beautiful service.

Friday 20th December 2024 at 5.30pm – Carolling around the town. Our Carolling around the town is a high point in our year, with the opportunity of spreading the Word through joyful song. This year was a bumper year both in terms of attendance and also appreciation showed by the spectators we entertained, some of whom even joined in! Carols included wonderful favourites such as “Joy to the world”, “Silent Night”, “Hark the herald angels sing”, “We three Kings”, “The First Noel” and “Angels we have heard on high”. We finished the evening in the Café Louvre in the centre of Prague, where we indulged in warm drinks and delicious food. Can’t wait for next year!  

Wednesday 11th December 2024 at 6.30pm – Church Christmas Fundraiser Concert Our Advent Choir concert has become a firm favourite at St. Clement’s, with our Choir treating us to a selection of orchestral and choral treats for the ears, and this year was no exception. With music ranging from Allegri’s “Miserere mei” to Händel’s “Hallelujah Chorus”, there was something for both families and music lovers alike. Other highlights were gorgeous renditions of “O Holy Night”, “O Come, All ye Faithful”, and the world famous Ukrainain “Carol of the Bells”. A night to remember and many congratulations to the Choir for such a memorable evening which raised over 8,000 CZK for our Ministry!   

Sunday November 3rd 2024 at 11am – Sung Eucharist for All Saints Day and Christening. Our Christening is a key day in the life of every one of us as Christians. As one of the most important Sacraments in the Anglican faith, our Christening is the moment when we receive our Christian name and our Godparents commit to helping us and our parents in ensuring that we grow up with our faith as our guiding star. It is also the moment when we are baptised and welcomed into God’s church. For us at St. Clement’s being able to welcome a new christian soul into our midst is a source of great joy and a true privilege, and so it was today, when we welcomed the beautiful Monturayo Emma into our St. Clement’s family. As you can see she was keen to reach out and show her appreciation of the Reverend Nathanial’s efforts!


Sunday 27th October 2024 – Archdeaconry Synod and Commission of Reverend Nathanial as Area Dean. At this October’s Archdeaconry Synod, held in Belgrade, Serbia, we were represented by our Reverend Nathanial and Babatunde Adenubi. Both we as a Chaplaincy and Reverend Nathanial are honoured that he was selected to be Area Dean and commissioned as such in a special ceremony at the Synod by our Bishop, the Right Reverend Doctor Robert Innes, assisted by our Archdeacon. Nathanial’s role will be to assist Chaplaincies in their day to day work in Austria, Poland, Hungary, Romania, Serbia, Ukraine, and Slovenia. Congratulations Nathanial!

Left to Right: The Right Reverend Dr Robert Innes, Bishop of Europe, Tunde Adenubi, St. Clement’s Lay Synod Representative, The Right Reverend Hilarion, Bishop of Novobrd and Vicar of the Patriarch

Thursday 20th June 2024 – Concert by the Choirs of Grace Church, New York, USA. We were honoured to be able to host a concert given by the Choirs of Grace Church, an Episcopal Church located in the very centre of New York City. The church, which is often described as one of the city’s greatest architectural treasures, is a French Gothic Revival masterpiece designed by James Renwick Jr., a major American architect, who also designed St. Patrick’s Cathedral in the same city. Grace Church has a strong musical and charitable tradition which was evident to all who attended and enjoyed the excellent concert which included works by Beethoven, Duruflé and Rutter as well as moving Spiritual music. A collection was taken.

Concert flyer Grace Church New York

Sunday 26th May 2024 – Annual Church Picnic. We chose to ignore the weather forecasts that spoke of rain and held our annual church picnic, as ever, in Lannova Park next to the church. Our faith in good weather paid off and we were bathed in warm sunlight, allowing us to thoroughly enjoy this popular annual event, sharing food, laughing and enjoying each other’s company.

Sunday 5th May 2024 – Sung Eucharist for the Sixth Sunday of Easter and Choir Second Anniversary. A choir brings life and music to any congregation, and we are immensely lucky to have had a choir at St. Clement’s for the past two years. To commemorate the event, the choir made a special musical contribution to our service and you can see a choir’s eye view video recording of this service by clicking here!

Wednesday 10th April 2024 – Inaugural Evening Prayer from the Book of Common Prayer (1662). The origins of Evening Prayer date back to Christian and Jewish prayers at the end of the day and the shape of Evening Prayer was first set by the great Reformation Martyr Archbishop Thomas Cranmer in the first Book of Common Prayer (1549), based on the Catholic offices (daily services) of Vespers and Compline. Our inaugural Evening Prayer from the Book of Common Prayer (1662) was well attended with standing room only and gave us the opportunity to participate in an intense, timeless act of worship that has entranced Anglicans by its simplicity and uplifting language for over three and a half centuries.

Sunday 24th March 2024 – 2024 Grand Auction in aid of St. Clement’s. We came together after our Palm Sunday service for a spirited 2024 Grand Auction which raised over 25,000 Kc for St. Clement’s. Great fun was had by all and we would like to thank both all those who kindly donated such a cornucopia of items for auction as well as those who bid (and sometimes won!) items to take home with them.

Thursday 18th January 2024 – Young Adult Group Meeting. At our fourth Young Adult meeting , we met at the first floor of Klimentská 18 and talked about our experiences and understanding of baptism under the light of Jesus’s baptism in the Gospels.

Saturday 6th January 2024 – Organ concert at St. Clement’s by Professor Michal Novenko. We are immensely privileged at St. Clement’s to have Professor Michal Novenko as our regular organist. Professor Novenko has been a Professor of Improvisation at the Prague Conservatoire since 1990 and has performed at many major international organ festivals. He is indubitably one of the most accomplished organists in Prague, if not Europe. On the 6th of January 2024 Professor Novenko treated us to some of the very best pieces from his repertoirs, including Brahms, Handel, Bach, Smetana and Dvořák as well as an example of his own magnificent improvisation skills. During the concert we were treated to a short but truly remarkable performance by the Choir of Hatfield College, University of Durham, who were on a choir tour to Prague. If you missed it, you can hear a recording of the full concert here.

The Choir of Hatfield College, University of Durham after the Organ Concert on 6th January 2023

Friday December 22nd 2023 – Ukrainian Carol Service. Having looked forward all year to this memorable event we spent an unforgettable evening of heavenly voices and timeless music from Ukraine together with all our Ukrainian friends.

Sunday 10th December 2023 after Church. This year once again a group of St. Clement’s parishioners undertook the annual trip to Brno to support the Brno Congregation and attend their Christmas Lessons and Carols Service at 1700. We were wonderfully received by Lea and Brno congregation and look forward to seeing them again very soon!

Our intrepid visitors to Brno!

Wednesday December 6th 2023 – St. Clement’s Church Christmas Fundraiser Concert. We had a packed Church for our first Choir Fundraising Concert, which raised over CZK 13,000 on the night, a spectacular result. We enjoyed timeless Christmas classics and sang along with the St. Clement’s choir to our favourite Christmas Carols, all in aid of a good cause, our work at St. Clement’s. Music included “O Holy Night”, the Ukrainian classic “Carol of the Bells”, and the majestic “Hallelujah Chorus”, and many others. Hopefully this will become a firm favourite in our Church calendar, and all thanks are due to the Choir and the Musicians taking part.

Tuesday 28th November 2023 – “Preparing For Advent” Taizé Service. Our second Taizé service was a joyous celebration of advent in the Taizé tradition with sung and chanted prayers, meditation, a period of silence, liturgical readings, and icons.

Sunday 26th September 2023 – Licensing of Rev’d Nathanial Nathanial and Reader John Noonan. It does not seems like 5 years since Nathanial joined us, but it is. As such he required re-licensing, and we were happy to welcome our Archdeacon back for the Service. In addition we were overjoyed to welcome back John Noonan as our Reader after a (short) retirement, and an added bonus was to see the Rev’d Lea Williams visiting us from Brno! Here is the team assembled after the Service. From left to right the Rev’d Lea Williams, the Rev’d Nathanial Nathanial, our Archdeacon the Venerable Dr Leslie Nathaniel, and Reader John Noonan.

The Rev’d Lea Williams, The Rev’d Nathanial Nathanial, The Venerable Leslie Nathaniel, and Reader John Noonan after the Licensing Service

Tuesday October 3rd 2023 – Young Adult Group Inaugural meeting. At our first St. Clement’s Young Adult Group meeting, we talked about different faces of Jesus Christ, looking at artworks from various cultures around the world. With homemade food to foster the spirit of sharing with our neighbours, we considered and discussed our individual relationships with Jesus as well as the Triune God. The date of the next meeting is to be announced. For more information, visit our Instagram or contact us via email at youngadult@anglican.cz

Thursday 28th September 2023 – One day Spiritual Retreat in Oko. With the invaluable help of Debby Nichols we organised a one day Spiritual Retreat in Okoř, to the North West of Prague, where we spent a wonderful, uplifting day discussing what faith means to us and meditating on the words and deeper meaning of Psalm 23.

The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want. He maketh me to lie down in green pastures: he leadeth me beside the still waters. He restoreth my soul: he leadeth me in the paths of righteousness for his name’s sake. Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me. Thou preparest a table before me in the presence of mine enemies: thou anointest my head with oil; my cup runneth over.

We would like to thank Debbie from the bottom of our hearts for organising this wonderful day of contemplation and reflection in such beautiful surroundings.

The Participants at this year’s Spiritual Retreat during a break

Wednesday September 6th 2023 – Evensong (1662 BCP) followed by a concert by the Durham University College Chapel Choir. We were privileged to host the University College Chapel Choir from Durham University in the UK. University College, known lovingly as “Castle,” is the oldest of Durham University’s Colleges and was founded in 1837, shortly after the foundation of the University itself in 1832. The College is fortunate to possess two historic chapels: the Norman Chapel dating from the 11th Century and the Tunstall Chapel, established in the 1540’s, which was used by the Prince Bishops of Durham as their private chapel. The Choir is an auditioned ensemble of sixteen choral scholars and is regarded to be one of the finest choirs in the North East of England. The Choir has a busy schedule, leading weekly services of Evensong, Eucharist and Compline in Durham Castle’s two chapels as well as numerous special services, concerts, recordings and tours. On the 6th of September Evensong at St. Clement’s using the 1662 Book of Common Prayer was followed by a remarkable concert including choral works by Thomas Tallis, Henry Purcell, William Byrd, Charles Wood, Charles Villiers Stanford, and Ralph Vaughan-Williams.

Sunday June 18th 2023 – Sung Eucharist for the Second Sunday after Trinity and visit of the Sheffield University Chamber Choir. On the 18th of June we welcomed the Sheffield University Chamber Choir to St. Clement’s and were thrilled to hear their wonderful voices raised with ours in praise. The Sheffield University Chamber Choir sings a wide array of sacred and secular music, ranging from the music of the 16th to the 21st century. This talented group of singers has gone from strength to strength under new conductor Matthew Warbis, including a joint concert with the English Touring Opera in Spring 2022. At our Sung Eucharist service they treated us to a wonderful rendition of the Motet “Beati Quorum Via” (Sir Charles Villiers Stanford) during Communion. You can find out more about the Chamber Choir here and you can follow their Facebook profile here.

Sheffield University Chamber ChoirThe Sheffield University Chamber Choir after the service at St. Clement’s on Sunday June 18th 2023 

Sunday June 11th 2023 – Sung Eucharist for the First Sunday after Trinity and visit of the Munich English Choir. We very much enjoyed the visit of the quite excellent Munich English Choir to St. Clement’s and were privileged to have such a talented group of amateur and semi-professional singers raising their voices with us in praise. Founded by Stephen Norton in 2010, the choir now has about 32 members. When Stephen Norton passed away unexpectedly in 2020, the members decided to continue the work of the choir in order to honour his work and spirit of. In 2021 Dr Nick Ukiah was appointed Choirmaster and he now shares his inspiration and commitment to English choral music with choir and listeners alike. We were treated to wonderful renditions of music as follows: Introit – O Thou the Central Orb (Charles Wood); Sanctus – Sanctus from Requiem (Gabriel Fauré); Communion anthems – Ave Verum (Sir Edward Elgar); God So Loved the World (Sir John Stanier); Closing anthem I Was Glad (Sir Hubert Parry). You can find out more about the Munich English Choir at https://www.facebook.com/MunichEnglishChoir. in the words of Nick Ukiah: “Personally, the trip was a highlight of my year and I have heard from many in the choir that they fell the same. It was a tremendous joy to be able to visit your church and, of course, Prague.”

Munich English Choir at St Clement'sThe Munich English Choir after the service at St. Clement’s on Sunday June 11th 2023

Sunday May 14th 2023 – Sung Eucharist for the Sixth Sunday in Easter.  We were particularly honoured to have worshipping with us Bishop David Hellington Kodia, the Bishop of the  Anglican Diocese of Bondo, Kenya, who was visiting Prague. You can find out more about Bishop Kodia and the Diocese of Bondo here. Bishop Kodia was kind enough to give a small talk during the service, having been introduced after the sermon. He described how he had been studying in Prague in 1990. He was a newly ordained priest, over from Kenya – and he was witness to Prague in chaos. Anglican worship was confined to services once a month at the British Embassy with an elderly chaplain visiting from the Embassy in Vienna. Bishop Kodia took matters into his own hands and asked the authorities where a small congregation could worship (there were only 5 – 3 Africans and 2 Europeans!). The authorities told him to look at the dozens of churches were had been closed under the regime… some of them had been closed so long that the keys had been lost. Eventually, however, he met someone from the Evangelical Church of Czech Brethren (ECCB), our host congregation today, and he was told about St Clement’s. He remembers approaching it, and – when it was unlocked – immediately thinking ‘this is just right’….. so worship began, just the 5 to start with, and the seed for our congregation today was sown… Please find the bulletin for this service here.

Bishop David Hellington Kodia during his talk on Sunday May 14th 2023 at St. Clement’s.

Sunday May 7th 2023 – Special Sung Eucharist for the Fifth Sunday in Easter and the Coronation of King Charles III. A very special Coronation Day was had by all, starting with a service with readings from the Acts of the Apostles, Chapter 7, describing the martyrdom of Saint Stephen, and the first Letter of Peter, about how we are all living stone, part of God’s spiritual house, and a Chosen People called out of the darkness into the light. The Gospel reading was John 14:1-14 where Jesus comforts the Disciples and tells them that he is the way to God. Musical inspiration came in the form of hymns such as “Fight the good fight”, “Jesu, lover of my soul”, “Come down, O Love divine”, and a throaty “Guide me, O thou great Redeemer” (Cwm Rhondda), all chosen for their connections to King Charles III as Supreme Governor of the Church of England (and thus its Head).  The service was followed by a Coronation Picnic in Lannova Park.

Sunday April 16th 2023 – Celebration of Ukrainian Orthodox Easter.

Calendar of Events - Orthodox Easter Eggs

In this special Sung Eucharist we celebrated Ukrainian Orthodox Easter together with our Ukrainian friends. Our adapted service included dual language hymns, a traditional reading in Ukrainian of a text by St John Chrysostom known as the “Paschal Sermon” (with the English translation then read out by the Chaplain), and a musical rendition of the Lord’s Prayer in Ukrainian (Отче наш or “Otche Nash”) during Communion. Not only was it wonderful to enjoy the wonderful sounds of Ukrainian words and music, but it was a joyous opportunity to deepen yet further the links to our Ukrainian friends and express our ongoing admiration and support for them!

Sunday 2nd April 2023 – 2023 St. Clement’s annual auction

The annual auction has quickly become a staple in our calendar and great fun is had by all who attend and bid! This year we raised over 21,000 CZK from more than 40 items which were auctioned for our ministry, so thank you for being so generous, both in donating and in bidding. The donation of a video projector has opened up all sorts of wonderful possibilities, including St. Clement’s film nights! Watch this space!

Wednesday February 22nd 2023 – Ash Wednesday ‘Taizé’ Service

Calendar of Events - Ash Wednesday

This past Ash Wednesday we marked the beginning of Lent with a “Taizé” service. Taizé is an ecumenical monastic community located in Taizé, France, founded in the 1940s. A Taizé worship service involves sung and chanted prayers, meditation, a period of silence and liturgical readings. There is no sermon. Many came to experience this revealing and  novel way to approach God. You can find out more about Taizé here. We enjoyed the following Readings: Joel  2. 1-2  and 12-17; Psalm 51. 1-17; the Holy Gospel was John 8. 1-11 and you can find the Order of Service here.

December 14th 2022 – St. Clement’s Carolling Evening

As every year (with a short Covid interruption!) an intrepid group from St. Clement’s braved the cold and snow, gathering to walk the centre of Prague, carolling!

Calendar of Events - Carol SingingCarolling in the snow

A wonderful evening was had by all, and we even got to sing inside the British Embassy, which was a particular pleasure, since Ambassador Nick aArcher and his wife Erica are due to leave Prague in January 2023. We look forward to the new incoming Ambassador continuing the tradition of inviting joyous St. Clement’s singers into the wonderful Thun Palace that houses the Embassy.

Calendar of Events - Carol SingingCarolling in the British Embassy

Eastern Archdeaconry Synod  – 20th to 23rd October 2022

Calendar of Events - Synod

St. Clement’s forms part of the Eastern Archdeaconry of the Anglican Diocese in Europe, and our Archdeacon is The Venerable Doctor Leslie Nathaniel. You can find out more about the Diocese’s Archdeacons here. The Eastern Archdeaconry Synod 2022 was held right here in Prague from the 20th to the 23rd October 2022 at the Wellness Hotel Step, where the theme of the 11th Assembly of the World Council of Churches, “Christ’s love moves the world to reconciliation and unity” was taken forward (you can find out more about the WCC here). The Reverend Nathanial and Stephen Weeks, one of our Churchwardens, introduced St. Clement’s and the history of Anglicanism in Prague to the attendees,

Calendar of Events - Synod

after which there were discussions on the worrying situation in Ukraine as well as time spent looking at the WCC theme via Bible Study sessions, as well as examinations of Interfaith issues, Environmental Justice issues and Racial Justice issues. Key Safeguarding and Anti-bullying policies were also discussed.

Calendar of Events - Synod

The Synod finished on Sunday with a Sung Eucharist worship service at St. Clement’s with a Sermon and Confirmations by our Bishop, the Right Reverend Doctor Robert Innes.

Calendar of Event - ConfirmationConfirmation Ceremony 2022

Confirmands and the BishopConfirmands and the Bishop, The Right Reverend Dr Robert Innes, the Chaplain and the Reverend Lea Williams

