Dear People & Friends of St. Clement’s,

I want to start this week’s ‘Weekly Message’ with a big ‘Thank you’ to the donor of the Advent Wreaths and to those who bought them last Sunday- all were sold out :)

Thanks to David Hellam for leading the Advent Bible Study Course and all those who participated in it.

I look forward to seeing (virtually) many of you tonight:

Friday 17th December at 19.00 hrs. – Online Weekly Prayer Meeting

Please join us for the online weekly prayer meeting tonight at 19.00 hrs. As you join us this evening you would be meeting like-minded believers joining us from different parts of the world to pray together, hear testimonies and experience God’s power in your lives. Here are the details you will need to join the meeting:-

Zoom link-

Meeting ID- 843 4838 6386

For passcode please contact the Chaplain

(Please note the Zoom meeting details will remain the same each week through January 2022.)

This coming Sunday is the one Sunday each year, when we have TWO services at St Clement’s (in-person), rather than just one. So let me tell you about both of them!

Sunday 19th December at 11.00 hrs. – Sung Eucharist for the Fourth Sunday of Advent

Luke 1. 39-45 is our Gospel Reading where we read about “A Blessed Visitation” when Mary visits her cousin Elizabeth. The supporting readings are Micah 5.2-5a where Prophet Micah foretells the birth of Christ; a part of which is quoted later by Herod’s scribe upon the arrival of Magi to find the king in Bethlehem and Canticle: Magnificat or the Song of Mary (Luke 1.46-55) in which Mary declares the greatness of God.

The Hymns are:-Ye holy angels bright Darwall’s 148th;O come, O come, Emmanuel Veni Emmanuel; Of the Father’s love begotten Corde natus;O God of hope Repton

Also, please note, due to the ongoing pandemic, Holy Communion will be served in the form of bread (wafer) only. Both elements will be consecrated, but the wine will not be distributed. This is in line with the current directives from our Diocesan Bishops for good health and safety of the people. Once this is revised, we can begin the distribution of wine. In the meanwhile, please be assured, it is a clear principle of Anglican theology that the sacrament of Holy Communion is present and complete in either of the consecrated elements.

Then in the evening please join…

A Service of Lessons & Carols for Christmas- Sunday 19th December at 19.00 hrs.

Our traditional Carol Service with the opportunity to hear again, Bible readings that tell the story of our redemption, made possible by God becoming incarnate, in the person of Jesus Christ, and to join in singing a variety of Christmas Carols. Plan to be there and invite your friends to come with you.

We still need help with seasonal refreshments, following the service. We need people who would be willing to provide some appropriate seasonal nibbles. If you can do this, please email Robert Anderson – robatprague(at) gmail(dot )com , with cc to me, chaplain(at)anglican(dot)cz , by Saturday evening, saying what you are going to bring. This then allows time for Robert & I to sort out what is still missing!

Please note respirators have to be compulsorily worn inside the church. I also encourage you to wear gloves and/or keep disinfecting your hands as often as you can. The hand sanitizer will beavailable at the back of the church along with wipes. There is a wash basin installed at the back of the church, in the washroom, if you would like to use it.

Helping the homeless via the Salvation Army this Christmas

Thanks to all those who contributed towards Nocleženka’ (The Salvation Army’s project for the homeless in Prague). This is a reminder if anybody would like to donate for this noble cause this coming Sunday. This Christmas, in addition to tinned food and warm winter clothing, we are also planning to support their project Nocleženka’Nocleženka aims to provide a warm shelter, hot meal, basic hygiene and counseling facility to the homeless. Thus, this coming Sunday you could donate CZK100 or more in an envelope clearly marked Nocleženka or for the homeless or you could get in touch with our treasurer – Andrew Kasambe after the service. I think it’s a fantastic deal – and every CZK100 will give someone helpless a decent Christmas. You can find more info about the project on the following link-

Other important things:

St. Clement’s Christmas Cardswill be available this coming Sunday. It will still be one week before Christmas – plenty of time in which to write & post them to family & friends. A pack of ten cards with envelopes costs200 Kč with all proceeds going to support the work of our Prague Anglican Chaplaincy.

Upcoming Advent and Christmas Services-

(Apart from our regular Advent Sunday services, below is the information of our upcoming services and events this Advent & Christmas season: (restrictions permitting).

Tuesday 21st December at 16.00 hrs. – Caroling around the Town.

Many of you have shown interest in caroling around the town therefore we will go ahead with our initial plans. We will meet on the 21st December at 16.00 hrs. at the Old Town Square/ Staroměstské náměstí. To avoid confusion, we will meet at that garish new/old Marian column in the middle of the square.From there will go to Wenceslas Square/ václavské náměstí and end at Café Louver.

Friday 24th December at 23.30 hrs. – Christmas Midnight Eucharist

Saturday 25th December at 11.00 hrs. – Christmas Day Family Eucharist

My Sermon from last Sundayis available to listen on the church website on the following link

Bishop Robert’s Advent AppealThis year the appeal is European Climate Disaster Relief, to read it online follow the link- A copy of the appeal is on the noticeboard and a collection box is placed at the back of the church.

Copies of theICS News & Prayer Diary for the month of Decemberwill beavailable free at the back of the Church.

Christian International School of Prague (CISP) Fundraisers- Please consider donating for CISP’s annual appeal. For more information please follow the link

If you are planning to join us via Zoom, please note-

In terms of ease of use – Zoom’s software is pretty simple to navigate, it can be as simple as clicking a link on a website and following the on-screen instructions. However, for smartphone and tablet users, it is far less obvious whether your device’s microphone is muted, or what to press in order to stop your every word being relayed to the rest of the congregation. You do not need to create an account to join; and if you do, you do not need to create a paid account.

Security. Please feel free to share this information person-to-person with friends and family members who might like to join us. However, to safeguard the integrity of our worship services online, we ask that you NOT post this link information on any website, social media, or any other place where it might become available to untrustworthy individuals. Additionally, for those of you who for any reason wish to switch off your camera or mute your microphone, are welcome to do that.

Fellowship. Yes. There is a virtual coffee hour after the online service. Therefore, have your mug of tea or coffee ready. Note that you can always leave the connection any time by simply clicking on Leave Meeting.

Wishing you all a continued Blessed Advent


The Rev’d Nathanial – Chaplain of St. Clement’s Anglican Episcopal Church, Prague
Pat’anka 2614/11A
160 00, Praha 6 – Dejvice
Czech Republic

Tel. +420 233 310 266 Mobile +420 737 039 082

Email Church Website