Dice spelling out the word Join Us!

There are many ways to join us and join in at St. Clement’s.

Church Electoral Roll

Joining us formally is as easy as filling in the Application to be added to the Church Electoral Roll (CER), which you can find here. If you prefer to fill it in at the church you will find blank copies in a folder pinned to the noticeboard at the back of the church every Sunday.

Once you are on the Church Electoral Roll you can participate fully in our activities including attending Annual Church Meetings (the  next ACM is on Sunday 27th April 2025) and you can put yourself forward to be a Member of the Church Council and have a real effect on how our church is run. If you are a baptised member of one of the churches in the Anglican Communion, you can apply straight away. If you are a baptised member of another Christian Church which believes in the doctrine of the Holy Trinity, and have ‘habitually worshipped’ at St. Clement’s for at least the last six months, then you too are eligible to apply. 

I’m not yet ready to become a Member of the Church Electoral Roll

If you are not quite ready to become a fully-fledged and active member of our Church but would like to be informed about our activities, you can fill out a Newcomers’ Form in our Welcome Booklet, also in the church. This gets you onto our email circulation list, but does NOT mean that you are on the CER.

Other ways to help

There are so many ways in which you can participate in the life of St. Clements. We are always looking for people who feel a call to help, whether it be as Welcomers at the weekly church service on Sundays, a valuable role of welcoming attendees as they arrive at the service, handing out Hymn books, orders of service and pew sheets, and if necessary helping them to find a spot to sit. Maybe you feel called to help with Coffee Hour after church, take on Membership of the Choir, Read the Lesson, help with the Collection during the service, or even become a Member of the Church Council. We welcome all and any help, whether it is on a regular basis or more sporadically! Please contact the Chaplain for further details. 

Do you have a skill you can offer St. Clement’s? Why not sign up for our Skills Exchange at the back of the church? Here is how it works. If you have any particular skill you can offer, from accountancy to cake baking, sewing to dog sitting, you can offer it by signing up for the Skills Exchange with your name and the Skill you can offer. If someone needs that service they can contact you directly and you agree an amount that will be donated by them to St. Clement’s in return for your Skill. You then carry out the Skill and that’s it! A wonderful way to give to St. Clement’s by donating your time and skills rather than money.

Do you have questions?

Please feel free to contact me should you have any questions at all using the email chaplain@anglican.cz


Our Chaplain Nathanial
