“Regular weekly Anglican services are held in Brno, the Czech Republic’s second city every Sunday at 5pm, and you can find out more about the beginnings of our ministry in Brno and the first service in this blog post by the then chaplain, Revd. Ricky Yates. The Community is now led by the Reverend Lea and Petra Williams. Petra, a Czech, moved to Glasgow in 2005, encountered Jesus and became involved in church life. As she grew in her faith, her pastor encouraged Petra to explore theological studies. Lea, from Shropshire, came to faith as a child and was shaped by his parents’ example of sharing faith and nurturing new believers. At a young age he felt called to ordination, enthusiastically telling his teacher, “One day, miss, I will be a vicar.” Lea and Petra met at International Christian College (originally founded in Glasgow as The Bible Training Institute in 1892 and sadly closed since 2018 due to financial issues), where there was a strong emphasis on mission and global Christianity. They married in 2009 and have two children, Olivia and Theodore. After working with children and families at a church in Essex, Lea was ordained in 2016 and completed his curacy in north Essex whilst Petra continued her work as a photographer. Lea has spent time with Anglican chaplaincies in Prague, Moscow and Brussels, and learned the Czech language.
Where do you worship?
After an enforced hiatus due to Covid-19 we restarted in-person worship services in Brno in April 2022, and our regular worship venue in Brno is a Czech Hussite Church at Betanie House, Nové Sady 598/32a, Brno – Staré Brno, 602 00. Directions to Betanie House can be found here.
Who worships in Brno?
In Brno we are a young and growing international community committed to creating a caring and hospitable space to share life, grow in faith and serve our city in the name of Jesus. We are also a young and diverse community with people from many nations and social backgrounds – students from Brno’s many universities, Masaryk, Mendel and VUT, international workers, families, and long-term residents too.
So, if you’re an expat looking for a spiritual home away from home, are Anglican or non-Anglican, are returning to church after a while or have questions and want to explore the Christian faith for the first time, you’d be welcome here.”
When are the Services?
Services are held every Sunday at 5pm.
For more information please visit the Brno webpage at https://www.brnoanglican.cz/ our Facebook page at @brnoanglicanchurch or contact Lea directly via Email: lea@brnoanglican.cz.