At St. Clement’s we are committed to the safeguarding, care and nurture of everyone within our community.
In line with guidance issued by the Church of England we at St. Clement’s:
Promote a safe environment and culture
Safely recruit and support all those with any responsibility related to children and vulnerable adults within St. Clement’s
Respond promptly to every safeguarding concern or allegation
Care pastorally for victims/survivors of abuse or other affected persons
Care pastorally for those who are the subject of concerns or allegations of abuse and other affected persons
Respond to those who may pose a present risk to others
There are Safeguarding Advisers in every Church of England diocese across the world and Safeguarding Officers in every parish, and our Safeguarding Officer at St. Clement’s is Alexander Rupert Felsing who can be contacted at If you are worried about someone and want to raise a concern or report abuse, our Safeguarding officer is your first port of call, but you can also contact the Diocesan Safeguarding Team. To report a concern directly to them please complete the referral form which you can download here. You can then email it to and the the team there will respond to your concern within 48 hours. Please do let them know if you require assistance in completing the form, or to access in a language alternative to English.
Diocesan Confidential Reporting Line:
For urgent and non-urgent enquiries of a safeguarding nature during operational hours, please call: +44 (0)207 898 1163. If outside of operational hours, for non-urgent concerns please leave a message and a member of the Team will respond on the next working day. If you have Czech language skills may also wish to contact OSPOD (the Czech Authority for the Social and Legal Protection of Children), which is represented in each Municipality.
Out of Hours Safeguarding Helpline:
For enquiries outside of operational hours of an urgent safeguarding nature please call our partners Thirtyone:eight (formerly Churches Child Protection Advisory service (CCPAS)) on +44 (0) 303 003 1111. You will be able to get confidential advice, guidance, and support. You can also contact the Czech Police on 112 from any Czech telephone.