St. Clement’s is a self supporting church and running it costs 25,000 CZK (€1000, £900, $1,200) per week, so donating to St. Clement’s is a wonderful way of assisting us in sustaining our Ministry to tourists and residents alike in Prague, Brno and the rest of the Czech Republic.
Donating to St. Clement’s in Church
There is an opportunity during each Sunday Sung Eucharist at 11am to donate by placing your donation in any currency in the basket during the Offertory Hymn. If you are a UK taxpayer, you can complete a Gift Aid envelope and place the donation within it before placing it in the basket. This allows us to claim an extra 25% of the value of your donation at no cost to you. Gift Aid envelopes are available from a Welcomer at the back of the Church before the beginning of the service and if you would like to find out more about Gift Aid you can do so here.
Donating to St. Clement’s by bank transfer
If you would like to donate or set up a standing order in CZK:
Please note that we have recently had to change our local bank account so, if you have a standing order set up, we ask you to ensure that you update it to this new account number.
If you would like to donate or set up a standing order in GBP:
Bank: Barclays Bank
Sort Code: 20-06-13
Account Number: 40317039
IBAN: GB16 BUKB 2006 1340 3170 39
Account name: The Diocese in Europe
Please indicate in the remarks that you would like the money to be credited to St. Clement’s Prague.
Donating to St. Clement’s by cheque
You can put cheques into the collection basket during the Offertory Hymn in each Sung Eucharist service or:
If you have a sterling or any other currency account a cheque made out to “The Diocese in Europe” can be sent to our London account (together with a Gift Aid declaration that can be found here if possible) via The Finance Officer, The Diocese in Europe, 14 Tufton Street, London SW1P 3QZ. Please indicate in a covering note that it is for the St. Clement’s Prague account.
If you have a US$ account
If you are a US taxpayer you can donate by US check by sending it to us via the Episcopal Church. You may claim a reduction in taxable income for donations to St. Clement’s made in this way. Checks in US dollars can be sent to:
June A. Victor, Assistant to the Treasurer, The Episcopal Church, 815 Second Avenue, New York, N.Y. 10017.
She can be emailed here for any further details you may require.
Please indicate “St. Clement’s Prague,” so that the funds can be identified and transferred to St. Clement’s, and inform the Assistant to the Treasurer.
Please note that such gifts are not deductible from taxable income for Czech tax.
Donating via PayPal
If you wish to donate directly to St. Clement’s via PayPal either as a one off payment or as a recurring donation please follow this link or use the QR code below. Again, just point your phone camera at the QR Code and click on the screen when the frame appears around the QR code image, and the phone browser will automatically take you to the PayPal page with the St. Clement’s details already filled in for you.
Remember, you do not need to have a PayPal account to do this, just a credit card to hand.
If you are a UK Taxpayer and you wish to boost your gift by 25p of every £ that you give you can download a Gift Aid Declaration here which you can fill in and send to the Treasurer. If you have any further questions on how you can help support St. Clement’s and our work financially, whether via a Legacy or any of our other initiatives, please look at other sections of this website or contact our Treasurer Andrew Kasembe.
There are also many non-financial ways in which you can participate in the life of St. Clements by donating your precious time.We are always looking for people who feel a call to help, whether it be as Welcomers at the weekly church service on Sundays, a valuable role of welcoming attendees as they arrive, handing out hymn books, orders of service and pew sheets, and if necessary helping them to find a spot to sit, or whether you feel called to help with Coffee Hour after church, take on Membership of the Choir, Read the Lesson, help with the Collection during the service, or even become a Member of the Church Council. We welcome all and any help, whether it is on a regular basis or more sporadically! Please contact me for further details.
Thank you.