Dear Worshippers and Friends of St. Clement’s,

Thanks to John Noonan for the Morning Prayer last Sunday when Gordon & I were in Cegléd, Hungary, attending the annual meeting of the Eastern Archdeaconry Synod.

We are back in Prague and I look forward to being the Celebrant and Preacher at our service this coming Sunday…

Sunday 29th September at 11.00 hrs.– Sung Eucharist for Fifteenth Sunday after Trinity

Luke 16. 19-31 is our Gospel reading where Jesus tells the parable of the Rich Man and Lazarus. The supporting readings are 1 Timothy 6. 6-19 which introduces a very practical section on the Christian view of wealth and Psalm 146 which we will say responsively.

Hymns are: Rejoice, the Lord is King Gopsal; Seek ye first Seek ye first; God is love: let heaven adore him Hyfrydol (12) and All my hope on God is founded Michael.

There will be parallel Children’s Ministry. Following worship, there will be Cool Drinks and Refreshments served at the back of the church.

Other important things..

John Noonan’s sermon from last Sunday is now available to listen on the church website. The link is

Early Notices for the month of October-

From Thursday 17th to Saturday 19th October, I along with our Treasurer Andrew Kasembe (lay representative) will be away to attend the 50th Synod of the Old Catholic Church in the Czech Republic which will be held in Sola Gratia, Bystřice pod Hostýnem. Many of you are already aware that we are fully signed up parish of the Church of England as well as the Old Catholic Church which is why our legal status here is  Farní obec Starokatolické církve pro věřící anglického jazyka v Praze (English-speaking parish of the Old Catholic church in Prague).

Friday 18th October in the evening, there will be a musical concert in the church by John De Jong. More details to follow.

Sunday 20th October starting at 10.00 hrs we will have a Combined Worship Service with our host ECCB – Klimentska congregation. Please make every effort to be present.

From Monday 21st to Thursday 31st October I will be on annual leave. During my absence David Hellam will lead the International Sunday Service which will be followed by Bring-n-Share Lunch.

Thank you to those of you who have kindly ordered things from using our link. You have already generated a little income for St. Clement’s. Remember to always click the link first & before you start ordering. For more information feel free to contact me or have a look here

If it was/is your birthday or wedding anniversary or any other special occasion last week or the coming week, we would be happy to share your joy and pray for you. You are invited to send to me the details by email to this address.

Yours in His Service,
