Dear People & Friends of St. Clement’s,

Before I write about what is happening this Sunday & in the coming week, I want to remind all those of you eligible to be on the Church Electoral Roll, who have still not passed their application forms to the Electoral Roll Officer aka as Sybille, that the only way your name can now be included before the definitive new Church Electoral Roll is published & put on display in Church this coming Sunday, is as follows. Go to our this page of our website where you can download an application form. Fill it out & sign it. Then send a scanned copy of it attached to an email, to Sybille sy(at)sybilleyates(dot)com , no later than tomorrow evening. We cannot accept completed forms on Sunday morning!

The new Church Electoral Roll will be on display on the noticeboard at the back of Church, this Sunday 24th February & the following Sunday 3rd March. But the only change that can be made to it until after our Annual Church Meeting on Sunday 10th March, is if an obvious error has been made such as incorrectly spelling someone’s name. No new applications can be received during the fifteen days before the Annual Church Meeting.

Also this Sunday, there will be a form on the noticeboard at the back of Church, on which written nominations can be made for the election of two Churchwardens & up nine Church Council members. Each nomination needs a proposer, seconder and the consent of the candidate, in writing and all three also need to be members of the new Church Electoral Roll. Please give serious thought as to who might be suitable candidates for nomination or whether you yourself would be willing to stand. In particular, we only have one female member on the current Church Council which is a gender imbalance that could do with some correction. Written nominations can be received up to the commencement of the Annual Church Meeting after worship on Sunday 10th March.

Now to what’s happening!

Sunday 24th February at 11.00 – Sung Eucharist for the Second Sunday of Lent

Our three Bible readings are somewhat eclectic but do have certain links between them. Our Psalm is Psalm 27 which contains those familiar words, ‘The Lord is my light and my salvation’. The Epistle or second reading comes from Philippians 3.17 – 4. 1 where St. Paul reminds us that, ‘Our citizenship is in heaven’. The Gospel reading is Luke 13. 31-35 which describes Jesus lamenting over Jerusalem. Why not read them yourself in advance of Sunday worship. There will be parallel Children’s Ministry and the service will be followed by Coffee Hour in the hall on the third floor of Klimentská 18.

Tuesday 19th February 18.30-20.00 in the small meeting room on the first floor of Klimentská 18.

The second of our Lent Tuesday evenings looking at various of the Psalms. This Tuesday it will be Psalm 139 and our study will be led by Rev’d Dr Karen Moritz. As last week, we’ll end the evening by saying Evening Prayer together. Do join us if you possibly can.

Tinned food & warm winter clothing for the homeless in Prague

Contrary to what I wrote last week, the two wheelie bins at the back of Church, in which we are collecting tinned food & warm winter clothing in support of the Salvation Army in their work with the homeless in Prague, are still sitting there. But they will be collected this coming week. Therefore, can we have a final push to fill them further this coming Sunday? In particular, please add a few tins to your supermarket shopping today or tomorrow & bring them with you to Church on Sunday morning.

Until Sunday

Best wishes
