Dear People & Friends of St. Clement’s,
First up this week – some very good news! Yesterday afternoon, 17 days after it went down, TelefonicaO2 finally managed to reconnect the Chaplaincy Flat landline phone & with it, our connection to the internet. So if you do need to contact me between now and Sunday, you can ring 233 310 266 as well as my mobile 737 039 082.
Finally having a reliable internet connection once more, it has allowed Sybille to upload the sermons from the last three Sundays, onto the Chaplaincy website. So whether or not you were in Church on any of the Sundays 2nd, 9th or 16th June & want to listen to the sermon – you now can! Just click on this link & choose which one(s) you want to hear.
Now to this coming Sunday…….
Sunday 23rd June at 11.00 – Sung Eucharist for the Fourth Sunday after Trinity
As I mentioned in last week’s ‘Weekly Message’, we will have a Guest Preacher – Rev’d Dr Peter Walker. Peter and I trained for ordained ministry together at Wycliffe Hall, Oxford, between 1987-89. After ‘serving his title’ as a Curate in Tonbridge, Kent, Peter was a Research Fellow at Tyndale House in Cambridge & then returned to Wycliffe Hall as a Tutor in Biblical Studies. Since 2012, he has been Professor of Biblical Studies at Trinity School for Ministry, Ambridge, nr Pittsburgh, Pa. You can find out more about him here and see a photo.
Following our worship on Sunday, we are going to have a Picnic-in-the-Park in the park on Lannova, which is the street parallel to Klimentská, between the Church & the Vltava River. Please bring picnic food that can be easily shared. Please, if you can, bring a bit more than ‘just-enough-to-to-feed-yourself’, so we can invite visitors, (including the guest preacher & his wife :-) ) to join us. Sybille & I will ensure that there are sufficient paper plates, plastic cups, paper napkins etc, together with some non-alcoholic cool drinks. But if you want to bring a bottle of wine…. :-)
The weather forecast for Sunday is for some sunshine with temperatures in the low to mid-twenties Celsius. There is a possibility of a shower but there is some shelter in the park if a shower should materialise. The park has excellent play facilities for children & I understand a little entertainment for the children is also planned. Please plan to be there for what should be a most enjoyable occasion.
Your Chaplain & his wife are going on holiday
After Sunday, I am taking two weeks of my annual leave and will be absent from Prague between Monday 24th June to Monday 8th July inclusive. But there will still be worship at St. Clement’s at 11.00, on both the Sundays I am away and the services will be in the capable hands of Jack Noonan & Rev’d Dr Karen Moritz.
Sunday 30th June at 11.00 Morning Prayer for the Fifth Sunday after Trinity
The service will be led by Jack and Karen will be the preacher.
Sunday 7th July at 11.00 Morning Prayer for the Sixth Sunday after Trinity
The service will be led by Karen and Jack will be the preacher.
Because I will be on holiday, this will be the last ‘Weekly Message’ for a couple of weeks. But up-to-date details of these services are on this website.
One other piece of good news to finish with. Those of you were present for our Sung Eucharist last Sunday, will know that, as I was cleaning one of our two chalices with a purificator, following the administration of Communion, the cup broke off the stem of the chalice & went flying across the chancel floor. Thanks to the friend of a member of the congregation, it has been repaired free-of-charge & I’m about to go off & collect it, ready for use this coming Sunday.
Best wishes