Dear Worshippers and Friends of St. Clement’s

Many thanks to John Noonan for preaching last Sunday and to Diane Tvaroha for leading the Children’s Ministry while David is away. Do join us this coming Sunday..

Sunday 23rd February at 11.00 hrs – Sung Eucharist for the Sunday next before Lent

Matthew 17. 1-9 is Our Gospel reading which is an account of the Transfiguration. The supporting readings are Exodus 24. 12-18 which tells of Moses being on Mount Sinai, receiving ‘the law and the commandment’, and 2 Peter 1. 16-21, where Peter speaks of being present on the mount of Transfiguration.

Hymns are :- Christ, whose glory fills the skies Ratisbon; Be still, for the presence of the Lord Be still; Lord, enthroned in heavenly splendour St. Helen; Guide me, O thou great Redeemer Cwm Rhondda

There will be parallel Children’s Ministry led by Aditi and following worship, there will be Coffee Hour in the hall on the third floor of Klimentska 18.

During Coffee Hour, there will be an Auction. Bring anything you’d like to donate to the auction – maybe you had too many Christmas gifts, or you could make or bake something special for us. Or you could donate your time and services. Some of you have already confirmed that you would be bringing cheese, wine, books, decoration and household items etc. You may have noticed a very creative poster on the church’s noticeboard suggesting what you could bring but not limiting the options. Given we still have time, please think about how and what you can contribute. Sally, who is coordinating this Auction would be grateful if you could email ( to let her know what you would be bringing, with a reserve price if you have one.  Stephen Weeks has offered an evening of reading extracts from his Countess of Prague novels – ideal for a party! Also, please bring some cash to buy something for yourself! So come and enjoy all the fun of a live auction; and all in a good cause! Bid & get something extra special! Whatever; it`s lots of fun! And all in a good cause; as all proceeds go towards our Christian Ministry here in the Czech Republic.

Tuesday 25th February from 18.00 hrs to 20.00 hrs – Lent Study Course

Our Lent Study Course will start one week early on Shrove Tuesday February 25. We will study the Gospel according to Mark– please plan to be there,marking the dates of the six Tuesday evenings (until Tuesday 31st March) in your diaries now! This will be held in the hall on the first floor of Klimentska 18. If the outside door is locked, please press the bell marked Sborový Kancelář & we’ll buzz you in! A simple meal will be made available. If you have any dietary restrictions please do let me know in advance making it easier for us to plan.

Then on Wednesday, Lent begins!

Wednesday 26th February at 18.00 – Ash Wednesday Eucharist

Please make every effort to join us on Wednesday evening, to mark the beginning of this penitential season. Within the service, there will be the opportunity to receive the imposition of ashes for all who would like to do so.

Other important things..

John Noonan’s sermon from last Sunday is available to read on the church website. The link to access the sermon is

A couple from Ostrava, a part of our Brno congregation is trying to find jobs in Prague. They have requested if anyone can help accommodate them for a night or two as they they anticipate interviews/offers from potential employers this month or the next. If you think you may be able to help, do let me know and I will connect them to you.

Copies of ICS News March-June 2020 are now available. Thanks to ICS and particularly to Ceska Posta – this is the first time I have received the entire set. Do grab your copy from the table at the back of the church.

More volunteers are needed to help us with organizing Coffee Hour; an important part of our ministry in Prague. Some of our people on the Rota have moved out of Prague and we really more people to join, making it easier to run this smoothly. If you would like to learn more about this responsibility or think you can help, please get in touch with Rota Officer Barbara Payne barapayne(at)gmail(dot)com.

If it was/is your birthday or wedding anniversary or any other special occasion last week or the coming week, we would be happy to share your joy and pray for you. You are invited to send to me the details by replying to this email.

Yours in His Service,


The Rev’d Nathanial – Chaplain of St. Clement’s Anglican Episcopal Church, Prague
Pat’anka 2614/11A
160 00, Praha 6 – Dejvice
Czech Republic

Tel. +420 233 310 266 Mobile +420 737 039 082

Email Church Website