Dear Worshippers and Friends of St. Clement’s,

Many thanks to David Hellam for the Harvest Service last Sunday in my absence. I am now back in Prague from our trip to India and I will be your celebrant this coming Sunday..

Sunday 3rd November at 11.00 hrs.– Sung Eucharist for the Fourth Sunday before Advent

Luke 19. 1-10 is our Gospel reading where we have a classic repentance story of ‘Zacchaeus the tax collector’. The supporting readings are Isaiah 1. 10-18 which is a divine speech addressed to the leaders of Israelitesand 2 Thessalonians 1. 1-12 where St. Paul’s words come as a reminder of several aspects of thanksgiving and a call to “hang in there” in hope and faith. Our preacher will be John Noonan.

The Hymns are:- For all the saints Sine Nomine; O thou who camest from above Hereford; Deck thyself, my soul, with gladness Schmücke Dich; andI, the Lord of sea & sky Here I am.

There will be parallel Children’s Ministry and following worship Refreshments will be served at the back of the church. 

It being the first Sunday of the month, following our worship service in Prague I will be off to Brno for our regular monthly worship service..

Sunday 3rd November at 17.00 hrs. in Brno– Holy Communion with Hymns for the Fourth Sunday before Advent

For more information follow the link . If you have family or friends in Brno do tell them about our service.

Then don’t forget to join us on Tuesday..

Tuesday 5th November from 18.00 hrs. to 20.00 hrs – Bible Study in the hall on the first floor of Klimentska 18

Make every effort to join us for the Bible Study on Tuesday based on St. Paul’s Epistle to the Ephesians led by David Hellam. The fourth one is based on God’s Protection (Chapter 6). A simple meal will be made available making it easier for those of you who come directly from work to participate without worrying about a meal when you get back home. I would be grateful if you could drop a line and mention any dietary restriction(s), making it easier for me to arrange. However, do not hesitate to join if you decide at the last moment.  It is an opportunity to meet new people, deepen relationships and learn from the Word of God. If the ground floor door of Klimentská 18 is locked, press the bell marked Kancelář & you will be buzzed in!

Other important things..

Remembrance Poppies will be available at the back of the Church this coming Sunday, in return for a donation to the poppy appeal. Thanks to Diane and Luca.

New Archdeacon of the East. Last month the Rev’d Canon Dr Leslie Nathaniel was commissioned and licensed as the Archdeacon of the East, in succession to the Ven. Colin Williams. This also brings an end to the interim period during which Archdeacon of Switzerland Revd Canon Adele Kelham was given extra duty of our Archdeaconry. We are thankful for this arrangement and join others in the Diocesan Family in welcoming him to his Archediaconal ministry.

The organizers of Canterbury Choir Tour 2020 are in touch with us to help them organize the tour. They have requested if it would be possible for our congregation members to host the male members of the choir from 17th April to 20th April 2020 for three nights. All they would need is bed and breakfast. This would help them manage their finances for this tour. Please let us know if you could help with this.

If it was/is your birthday or wedding anniversary or any other special occasion last week or the coming week, we would be happy to share your joy and pray for you. You are invited to send to me the details by replying to this email

Yours in His Service,
