Dear People & Friends of St. Clement’s,

Yes – I’m back from being on holiday (British English) or vacation (American English) and I’ve spent a good part of these last few days, trying to reply to all the outstanding emails in my Inbox. My apologies if you’re still waiting for a reply – I still have a few to go!

A big ‘Thank you’ to everybody who kept our Sunday worship running smoothly these past two Sundays. Tasci Gibson & David Pattison for welcoming, Marshall Johnson & Karen Moritz for setting up the altar & clearing away following worship, & Gordon Truefit for overseeing the locking up of the Church in addition to his usual Treasurer’s responsibilities. Especial thanks to Larry Leifeste who has played the organ for us on all five Sundays in July whilst Professor Michal Novenko has been away.

I’m back on duty this coming Sunday & for the other Sundays during August. Therefore, if you’re in Prague this weekend, do join us ……

Sunday 5th August at 11.00 – Sung Eucharist for the Ninth Sunday after Trinity

Two of our three Bible Readings continue on from those read last Sunday with a further instalment of St. Paul’s letter to the Ephesians 4. 1-16 & the next part of John 6. 24-35. The Old Testament Reading is Exodus 16. 2-4 & 9-16. As I always suggest, try and read the passages yourself before coming to worship. Cool Refreshments will be served at the back of the Church following the service.

A couple of reminders…..

We still have the wheelie bin from the Salvation Army at the back of Church in which we are collecting tinned food to help with feeding the homeless here in Prague. It is becoming quite heavy but there is still room for more tins!

I’m still looking for additional ideas for our Autumn programme. Is there a topic you would like addressed, can you suggest a speaker we might invite, or a different sort of event we could organise?

And finally for this week…….

As it says on the back of the Weekly Bulletin, I’m always willing to meet up with any member of the congregation by appointment, to talk through a pastoral issue or concern. And with August being much quieter, if anyone just wants to meet up socially some time during the week, please get in touch. I already have a lunchtime appointment for this coming Tuesday & I’d be very happy to put other dates into my diary.

Best wishes
