Dear People & Friends of St. Clement’s,

I was originally planning on resuming writing my normally regular ‘Weekly Message’, next week. However, Dopravní podnik hlavního města Prahy/Prague integrated public transport are making major changes to tram routes, introducing new routes and adjusting timetables. And these changes take effect for the first time, this coming Sunday. The complete details can be found here.

Please don’t presume you can catch your usual tram to Church on Sunday. There is a more than 50% chance that it has changed! Instead, use this English section of the DPP website which will tell you the best way to get from your home to the Dlouhá třída tram stop, (the nearest to St. Clement’s), and what time your tram leaves to get you there before 11.00 :-) , ready for….

Sunday 28th August at 11.00 – Sung Eucharist for the Fourteenth Sunday after Trinity

As well as saying Psalm 112 responsively, we will have a further reading from the Letter to the Hebrews – Hebrews 13. 1-8 & 15-16. The Gospel reading will be Luke 1 & 7-14. Our preacher on Sunday will be Licensed Reader Jack Noonan. Following worship, Cool Drinks & Light Refreshments will be served at the back of the Church. There will be NO parallel Children’s Ministry. This will resume on Sunday 4th September. Children are obviously still most welcome to attend & the ‘rug-rats’ area for younger ones will be available as usual, at the back of the Church.


As many of you know, courtesy of the technical wizardry of David Hellam, each Sunday sermon is normally recorded and then, posted by me to our Church website, so you can listen to it once again, or for the first time, if you were unable to be in Church. Like many others of you, David has been away on a summer break, (he should be back this Sunday!), so sermons haven’t been recorded the last five Sundays. However, the text of both the sermon by Dagmar Wilkinson on Sunday 7th August, and that by Rev’d Nathanial on Sunday 21st August, has been posted and can be found by following this link, and then clicking on one or both of the respective links.

Helping the Salvation Army in their work with the homeless in Prague

Thank you to everyone who over recent weeks, has donated clothing which completely filled the wheelie bin at the back of the Church :-)  Captain Petr Janoušek came and collected the donated clothing eight days ago, so there is now an empty wheelie bin in need of refilling! Alongside it is the other wheelie bin for tinned food. It would be lovely on Sunday, to hear some loud clunks from additional tins being deposited there. Please remember, it is only tinned food that is required – no packets or jars please!

Tuesday evenings at 18.30 in the small meeting room on the first floor of Klimentská 18

I’m planning to re-start regular activities on Tuesday evenings, commencing on Tuesday 13th September. That first Tuesday evening will be particularly for people recently arrived in Prague, helping you to understand Czech culture, history, religion etc. Older hands will also be welcome too! On Tuesday 20th September, the film entitled ‘Nefarious’ will be shown, explaining and addressing the very serious issue of people trafficking. The film will be introduced by Tash Schoultz, who heads the Anti Human Trafficking work of Operation Mobilisation here in the Czech Republic. More details about both of these events in my ‘Weekly Message’, next week. However, you can watch the film trailer here.

Until Sunday

Best wishes
