Dear People & Friends of St. Clements,
I’m writing this at the same time as the funeral service for former President Václav Havel is taking place in St. Vitus Cathedral within the walls of Prague Castle. His death, which many of us first heard about just as we were leaving Coffee Hour last Sunday, has cast a sombre mood across this city, despite the presence of Christmas, trees, lights & markets in every square. It has also put this small central European country at the forefront of world news – the death of Václav Havel was the leading news story on the BBC News website last Sunday evening, the first time that I can remember in over three years of living & working here that the Czech Republic has been so featured.
A number of people have asked how we got on in Brno last Sunday evening where we held a Service of Lessons & Carols in the appropriately named Bethlehem Chapel. I have written a report with a couple of photos on my blog which can be found here. A big thank you to Larry, Celieta, David, Karen & Gordon who came with me & contributed to the service in many different ways. We had a congregation of about 30 which while relatively small still made a joyful noise singing carols and there were many expressions of appreciation for the service afterwards. We will be starting regular worship in Brno once a month on Sunday evenings, commencing on Sunday 8th January 2012. Full details are on the new Brno page of our website
My main purpose in writing is to remind all of you who are still in Prague this coming weekend, of our two services, the first on Christmas Eve & the second on Christmas Day.
Saturday 24th December – Christmas Eve at 23.30 Midnight Eucharist with Christmas Carols.
Sunday 25th December – Christmas Day at 11.00 Family Eucharist with Christmas Carols.
This service will be particularly suitable for families with children. Although it is a Sunday, there will not be Coffee Hour following the service as I’m sure everyone will want to get home for lunch!
I shall be taking the inside of the week following Christmas Day as Annual Leave as I am actively encouraged to do under Diocese in Europe guidelines. But Sybille & I will be around in Prague so if there is a pastoral emergency, please do get in touch using the contact detailson the home page of this website. Likewise, if anyone is in Prague & is interested in meeting up socially, please also get in touch or speak with me at one of the two Christmas services.
And then a reminder that as Christmas Day is a Sunday, then New Year’s Day must also be a Sunday!
New Year’s Day – Sunday 1st January 2012 at 11.00 – Sung Eucharist for the First Sunday of Christmas.
There will not be Children’s Ministry, (which will resume on Sunday 8th January), but there will be Coffee Hour following the service in the hall on the third floor of Klimentská 18.
Two other reminders
Don’t forget to save all the used postage stamps from the cards & parcels you receive this Christmas. Cut them out carefully with about a 5mm border around the stamp. Then place them in the collecting envelope on the noticeboard at the back of Church. They will be forwarded by me to the UK where they will be sold to raise money for the Intercontinental Church Society who have supported St. Clement’s both financially & prayerfully since 2000. The only used stamps not required are standard British ones with just the Queen’s head which are worth very little because they are so common.
The new ICS News & Prayer Diary Jan-March 2012 arrived in the post this week & free copies will be available at the back of Church from this coming weekend.
Wishing you all a blessed Christmas & a peaceful New Year