Dear People & Friends of St. Clement’s,

I want to start my ‘Weekly’ with saying a big……

‘Thank you’ to

Gordon Truefitt for organizing a wonderful Burn’s Night Ceilidh last Friday evening. If you weren’t there, you missed out on a very enjoyable event.

Those who stepped into the breach when three different people cried off from their duties last Sunday – Alison Hellam for running Coffee Hour, Larry & Celieta Leifeste & Ian Quigley for helping Sybille with setting up & welcoming & Jack Noonan for chalicing.

Tasci Gibson, who is running Coffee Hour this Sunday & Austin & Amalija who have volunteered to run Coffee Hour on Sunday 10th February.

To all those who have put their used postage stamps in the ICS collection envelope on the noticeboard at the back of Church. Earlier this week, I was able to send off a nice fat envelope of what we have collected to the organiser in the UK. There is now a fresh empty collecting envelope on the noticeboard.

Now to what is happening during the first half of this new month of February

Sunday 3rd February at 11.00 – Sung Eucharist for the Second Sunday before Lent

The theme of our readings this coming Sunday is God in creation. We shall hear part of the creation narrative from Genesis 2. 4b-9 & 15-25, a description of worship in heaven to the one who ‘created all things’ as recorded in Revelation 4. 1-11, & the story of Jesus stilling the storm from Luke 8. 22-25. There will be parallel Children’s Ministry and the service will be followed by Coffee Hour in the hall on the third floor of Klimentská 18.

Tuesday 5th February 18.30 – 20.00 in the small meeting room on the first floor of Klimentská 18.

The fifth in our series looking at Strong women in the Bible. Fergus Butler-Gallie will be leading our study looking at what we can learn from Judith, whose story is recorded in the Deutro-Canonical book of the same name.

Sunday 10th February at 11.00 in Prague & at 18.00 in Brno

Jack Noonan will be our preacher at both of these services.

Wednesday 13th February at 19.00 – Sung Eucharist with (voluntary) imposition of ashes for Ash Wednesday

Even if you don’t normally come our midweek events, I hope that many of you will come on Ash Wednesday evening to appropriately mark the beginning of the Lenten season.

Church Electoral Roll

Under the rules that govern the Church of England, under whose jurisdiction we come, once every six years, our Church Electoral Roll has to be completely revised and current members who want to remain on it, all need to re-apply, together with new people who are now eligible to join. Full details can be found on our website by clicking this link . You can print out an application form by following the link there, or pick up one from Church on Sunday. Completed application forms must be returned 15 days before our forthcoming Annual Church Meeting (ACM) which means by Saturday 23rd February as the ACM is planned for Sunday 10th March.

Remember, you cannot vote at the ACM or stand for election to the Church Council, unless you are on the Church Electoral Roll.

A reminder that…….

…..Sunday sermons including mine from Sunday 27th January, are available to listen to on on our website. Just click this link and then click on the one(s) you want to listen to.

We are still collecting tinned food & warm winter adult clothing to help the Salvation Army in their work with the homeless in Prague. Please bring your contributions & place them in the correct wheelie bin at the back of Church on Sunday.

If you are buying something from or, please use this link on this website. It will cost you nothing but will result in a contribution to help the running of St. Clement’s.

Until Sunday

Best wishes
