Dear People & Friends of St. Clement’s,

Please do join us for worship at St. Clement’s this coming Sunday – Palm Sunday.

Sunday 20th March at 11.00 – Sung Eucharist for Palm Sunday
The story of Jesus’ triumphal entry into Jerusalem is recorded in all four of the Gospels. This year, we will hear the account found in Luke 19. 28-40. The supporting readings will be part of one of the ‘Servant songs’ from Isaiah 50. 4-9a, and the wonderful Christological statement from Philippians 2. 5-11. Palm crosses will be distributed and there will be parallel Children’s Ministry. Coffee Hour in the hall on the third floor of Klimentská 18, will follow worship.

Following Coffee Hour, I will be off to Praha hl.n. to get the train to Dresden, where I shall leading and preaching at the monthly English-language Anglican service of Evening Prayer held in the Frauenkirche.

Then during Holy Week, our services will be….

Maundy Thursday 24th March at 19.00 – Eucharist commemorating the Last Supper

Good Friday 25th March at 14.00 – Devotional Service
As Good Friday is now a public holiday in the Czech Republic, our service will begin at 14.00/2pm and mark the ‘Last Hour on the Cross‘. We will be joined by the ‘Anonym Choir‘ under the direction of our regular organist Professor Michal Novenko. More information can be found here.

Sunday 27th March at 11.00 – Sung Eucharist celebrating Easter Day
More details in next week’s ‘Weekly Message’ but please note that the clocks go FORWARD one hour on Saturday night.

The other things to draw your attention to this week are…..

Last Sunday’s sermon by Rev’d Dr Karen Moritz is up on the website & can be listened to here. If you missed it, I recommend listening to it before coming to worship this coming Sunday. Even if you were in Church last Sunday, it is well worth listening to again!

Help with services: I’m still looking for someone to be the Welcomer on Maundy Thursday, someone to read a short passage at the Maundy Thursday service, and an additional Welcomer on Easter Day. If you can plug one of the gaps, please speak with me on Sunday.

The Annual Church Meeting will take place after worship on Sunday 10th April 2016. A form for written nominations for the election of two Churchwardens & up to nine Church Council members will be on the noticeboard this coming Sunday. A proposer, seconder & the consent of the candidate are required. To stand for election &/or to vote at the Annual Church Meeting, you need to be a member of our Church Electoral Roll (CER). Application forms to join the CER, are in a folder pinned to the noticeboard at the back of Church, alongside a copy of the current CER. Applications must be returned by Good Friday 25th March.

Coffee Hour in winter & Cool Drinks & Light Refreshments in summer – Over the past couple of years, the chief masterminds for these have been Evelyn & John Zimmerman. Sadly, John & Evelyn will be returning permanently to the USA at the end of this month & their last service with us will be on Easter Day. Therefore, we are looking for more volunteers willing to lay on Coffee Hour/Light Refreshments with effect from the first Sunday in April. No volunteers will mean no Coffee Hour! It’s as simple as that. Please speak with Evelyn & John if you want to know more about what is involved, and to me, to add you to the rota volunteers list.

Best wishes
