Annual Church Meeting (ACM) and the Church Electoral Roll (CER)

The ACM will take place on Sunday 30th May, immediately following worship that morning either online, via Zoom or in-person in the Church (if the restrictions are eased, I will be able to confirm this in the coming days). To take part in and vote at the ACM, you need to be a member of the Church Electoral Roll (CER). There are 61 members on the current CER who will also receive a message from me later today confirming their current membership status.

If you do not receive any message from me and would like to join the electoral roll please download the application form from the following link and send a scanned copy or through post (if you do not have access to a scanner or cannot visit a post office please write to me). The application form to join the CER must be completed and returned no later than Saturday 15th May, fifteen days before the ACM. The form explains what makes you eligible to join. Please contact me should you have any questions regarding the CER.

At the ACM, we will elect, two Churchwardens, up to nine Church Council members and two lay members of the Eastern Archdeaconry Synod. Whilst Churchwardens & Church Council members are elected for one year, the members of the Archdeaconry Synod are elected to serve for the following three yearsA form for nominations for all of these positions can be obtained by writing to me. Each person nominated needs a proposer & seconder and all three must be members of the CER.The consent of the proposed candidate is also required.



The Rev’d Nathanial – Chaplain of St. Clement’s Anglican Episcopal Church, Prague
Pat’anka 2614/11A
160 00, Praha 6 – Dejvice
Czech Republic

Tel. +420 233 310 266 Mobile +420 737 039 082

Email Church Website