Dear People & Friends of St. Clement’s,

I want to start this week’s ‘Weekly Message’ with a big ‘Thank you’ to everybody who helped make last Sunday morning such a special occasion. Especial thanks to name for the wonderful food at Coffee Hour/Lunch. I’ve had messages of thanks from the confirmees and a personal handwritten note of thanks from the Bishop.

The Bishop has written about his Prague weekend.  I’m somewhat embarrassed by his kind words about me but concur entirely about what he says regarding your current Church Council. I’ve also written about our Episcopal visit on my blog here. My thanks to name and name for the photographs.

Now to this coming Sunday…….

Sunday 9th April at 11.00 – Sung Eucharist for Palm Sunday

As well as hearing St Matthew’s account of Jesus’ triumphal entry into Jerusalem – Matthew 21. 1-11, we shall also hear from the prophet Isaiah – Isaiah 50. 4-9a, together with some Christology from Philippians 2. 5-11. Palm Crosses will be distributed. During the service I shall be baptising name. There clearly must be something in the Prague water as this is now the third set of young twins that we have within the congregation :-) There will be parallel Children’s Ministry but no Coffee Hour as, following worship we will be holding the:

Annual Church Meeting (ACM)

As St Clement’s faces major changes in the coming year, it is essential all members of the Church Electoral Roll are in attendance at the ACM. It is your Church, not mine! As well as hearing reports about the past year and receiving the 2016 accounts, it will be your opportunity to ask questions, make suggestions etc, about the future congregational life of St Clement’s.

At the ACM, you will elect, two Churchwardens, up to nine additional Church Council members and two lay members of the Eastern Archdeaconry Synod. Whilst Churchwardens & Church Council members are elected for one year, the members of the Archdeaconry Synod are elected to serve for the following three years. A form for nominations for all of these positions is on the noticeboard at the back of Church. Each person nominated needs a proposer & seconder and all three must be members of the Church Electoral Roll. The consent of the proposed candidate is also required. Nominations can be made up to the beginning of worship on Sunday. Non-members of the Church Electoral Roll are also welcome to be present at the ACM but cannot vote.

Holy Week & Easter

I will write with more details, early next week. But the dates and times of services are:

Maundy Thursday 13th April at 19.00 – Sung Eucharist commemorating the Last Supper.

Good Friday 14th April at 14.00 – ‘Last Hour on the Cross’ with the Anonym Choir, directed by name.

Easter Sunday 16th April at 11.00 – Sung Eucharist for Easter Day.

As I always say each year, celebrating the resurrection of Jesus on Easter Day, will be much more meaningful if you have first sat at the foot of the cross on Good Friday!

Other News

And copies of the Diocese in Europe Review 2016-17 arrived in the post this past week and will be available free, at the back of Church on Sunday.

Looking forward to seeing you at Sunday worship and the ACM!

Best wishes
