Dear People & Friends of St. Clement’s,

As I wrote last week, St. Clement’s is now in ‘summer mode’ during the months of July & August, when many of the regular congregation are away from Prague. There will be worship each Sunday at 11.00, hopefully followed by Cool Drinks & Light Refreshments, provided that is that we have a few more volunteers to lay them on. But there will be no parallel Children’s Ministry during these two months – it will resume at the beginning of September. Therefore this coming Sunday……

Sunday 6th July at 11.00 – Sung Eucharist for the Third Sunday after Trinity
As well as the responsive Psalm – Psalm 145. 8-14, our other readings will be Romans 7. 15-25a and Matthew 11. 16-19 & 25-30. Over the following three Sundays in July, we will hear the whole of Romans 8 along with Matthew 13. I hope this will allow for some continuity in my own preaching

Talking of preaching, my sermon from last Sunday is now available to listen to on our Church website here. My apologies for the delay in getting this uploaded. We had a technical difficulty which David Hellam has now kindly resolved!

Two other things that I meant to mention in last week’s ‘Weekly Message’, but forgot to do so. The first is that when meeting on Sunday 22nd June, your Church Council, formerly co-opted Andrew Kasembe onto the Council. I’m most grateful to Andrew for his willingness to serve St. Clement’s in this way. The second is that the Intercontinental Church Society(ICS) who have supported St. Clement’s since 2000, have completely revamped their website. You can find it here . In particular, it is being updated daily with points for prayer which is particularly helpful at present, as there seems to have been a failure in the UK – Czech Republic postal service meaning we have still not yet received the ICS News & Prayer Diary for July – August.

As there is much less going on over the next couple of months, I’m not going to send out another ‘Message’ until later this month when I’ll set out more details of what’s happening in August. But I can tell you that we will have a visiting Church Choir from England singing at our service on Sunday 24th August. I’m meeting their musical director & a colleague next week whilst they are in Prague for a few days, finalising details of their visit.

Best wishes
