Dear Worshippers and Friends of St. Clement’s,

Many thanks for joining us last Sunday. We were more than 40 of us present at the picnic. Coming to this Sunday..

Sunday 30th June at 11.00 – Sung Eucharist for the Second Sunday after Trinity

Luke 9. 51-62 is our Gospel reading where Jesus speaks about discipleship and about the implications of following him. The supporting readings are Galatians 5. 1 & 13-25 where Paul talks about Christian freedom and encourages the believers to live by the Spirit and Psalm 16 which we will read responsively. There will also be a Child Baptism during the service.

The Hymns are:- Come, ye faithful, raise the anthem’Unser Herrscher; O Love that wilt not let me go’ –St Margaret; ‘I come with joy, a child of God’ –St Botolph & Guide me, O thou great Redeemer’Cwm Rhondda

Children’s Ministry will be held separately during the Service and following worship, Cool Drinks & Refreshments will be served at the back of the church. The Church Council Meeting will also be held after the service.

Other important things..

Sunday 7th July: Chapel Choir of TRINITY COLLEGE, OXFORDConducted by Tristan Weymes

Do invite all you friends and colleagues, no matter what their faith or persuasion. The music is excellent;

and can be a deeply spiritual experience when sung by such an excellent choir, & in St. Clement`s acoustic!

Mass Setting: William Byrd: – Gloria, Sanctus, Benedictus and Agnus Dei

Anthems: Erik Ešenvalds: – Salutation; and possibly: De Sévérac – Tantum Ergo

Recessional: Charles H.H. Parry: – I Know My Soul Hath Power

Thanks to John Noonan for preaching last Sunday. His sermon is available to listen to on the church website on the following link

There may be a few public transport restrictions this summer. I recommend you to check the connections on the Dopravní podnik hl. m. Prahy website in advance to be able to be there at the church on time.

If it was/is your birthday or wedding anniversary or any other special occasion last week or the coming week, we would be happy to share your joy and pray for you. You are invited to send to me the details by email to this address.

Yours in His Service,
