Dear People & Friends of St. Clement’s,

Welcome to what is my final ‘Weekly Message’ as the Chaplain of St Clement’s, Prague, before I retire following worship, this coming Sunday. It contains a lot of important information so please read it carefully and act accordingly. In particular, note the changes to email addresses & phone numbers outlined below.

Firstly – worship this coming Sunday.

Sunday 30th April at 11.00 – Sung Eucharist for the Third Sunday of Easter

Our Gospel reading will be another story of the Resurrection – Jesus appearing to the two disciples on the road to Emmaus, as recorded in Luke 24. 13-35. The two supporting readings both follow on from those read last Sunday. We shall hear the last part of Peter’s sermon on the Day of Pentecost – Acts 2. 14a & 36-41, together with a further part of the first chapter of the First Letter of Peter – 1 Peter 1. 17-23. There will be parallel Children’s Ministry.

Following worship, there will be a Bring & Share Lunch in the hall on the third floor of Klimentská 18. I suspect that most of you know more about this event than I or Sybille do, as I understand your Churchwardens have already written to tell you all about it :-) I look forward to seeing many of you there!

‘What happens to St Clement’s after you retire Ricky?’

That is question I’ve been asked many times and it is really one you should direct to your Churchwardens & Church Council. But I have promised to pass on the following basic details, particularly with regard to contact email addresses & phone numbers.

From Monday 1st May, Rev’d Nathanial Nathanial will be your Locum or Interim Chaplain. Until Nathanial, along with Aditi & their twins, move into the Chaplaincy Flat, you can contact Nathanial either by writing to him at his personal email address or via the Chaplaincy mobile +420 737 039 082. I shall be passing the phone onto him on Sunday morning. Do NOT write to chaplain(at)anglican(dot)cz as Nathanial will not have access to this email account until he is living in the Chaplaincy Flat. The exact date for that to happen has not yet been decided, (it will probably be some time in late May), but I’m sure both Nathanial & the Churchwardens will let you know when it does.

Sybille & I will move out of the Chaplaincy Flat on Monday 15th May. After that, the plan is for the flat to be completely redecorated internally & some minor repairs carried out. No internal decoration has been undertaken since the flat was purchased in January 2006 – over eleven years ago!

My new contact details are: address phone

Please don’t post anything just yet. Give me time to change the name on the mail box :-)

You can obviously also contact us via the Chaplaincy Flat landline phone until Monday 15th May. +420 233 310 266

However, do remember, from Monday 1st May I will no longer be your Chaplain. I will be as helpful as possible to both Nathanial and your Church Council. But I will not be interfering or involved in the life of St Clement’s any longer.

Sunday 7th May at 11.00 – Sung Eucharist for the Fourth Sunday of Easter

On this ‘first Sunday after Rixit’, as it has been christened :-) , your Celebrant will be Nathanial and your Preacher, Jack Noonan. Please make sure you are there to support both of them! Do be aware that the Prague Marathon is being held that day & will inevitably disrupt public transport. Check carefully & give yourselves more time to get to Church that morning.


In case you missed them, or if you want to listen again, my sermons from Maundy Thursday, Easter Day & last Sunday, are all now available on our Church website. Just visit here and click on the one(s) you want to listen to. My thanks to David Hellam, both for recording & now also uploading them to our Church website.

So finally…..

…..please come & meet with God in both word and sacrament this coming Sunday. Do remember that the service starts at 11.00, NOT 11.15 And then lets share fellowship together one last time, over lunch.

Until Sunday

Best wishes
