Dear People & Friends of St. Clement’s,

I once more invite you to join us for worship this coming Sunday.

Sunday 26th March at 11.00 – Sung Eucharist for the Fourth Sunday of Lent

Our Old Testament Reading will be 1 Samuel 16. 1-13, which describes the visit of the High Priest Samuel, to Bethlehem where he anoints David to be King in succession to Saul. We shall also say the familiar words of Psalm 23 responsively. You will also once more have to do your Lenten penance by remaining standing for a long Gospel reading, John 9. 1-41. This tells of Jesus healing a man who was born blind, followed by a theological dispute between Jesus & the Pharisees. There will be parallel Children’s Ministry and following worship, Coffee Hour in the hall on the third floor of Klimentská 18, provided a volunteer(s) to run it!

Below is a highly important visual reminder that on Saturday night…….

………the clocks go FORWARD one hour! Don’t be late getting to Church & arrive in time only for the Blessing

Tuesday 28th March 18.30-20.00 in the small meeting room on the first floor of Klimentská 18.

The second of four Lent Study Evenings on the theme of ‘The Church’ – what is it, what should it be and what sort of Church would we like St. Clement’s to be in the future? Having two weeks ago explored what the Bible has to say about ‘The Church’, this coming Tuesday we will look at how the Early Church grew and developed. As usual, we will spend the last part of our time together saying Evening Prayer. If the ground floor door of Klimentská 18 is locked, press the bell marked Sborový Kancelář & we’ll buzz you in!

Annual Church Meeting (ACM)

The ACM will take place on Sunday 9th April, immediately following worship that morning. To take part in and vote at the ACM, you need to be a member of the Church Electoral Roll (CER). A copy of the updated CER is on the noticeboard at the back of the Church. The CER is now closed as it has to be for 15 days before the ACM. Thank you to those of you who gave me completed Electoral Roll application forms last Sunday & for those who posted them to me this past week. Your names have been included, though do check to make sure I haven’t missed you

At the ACM, we will elect, two Churchwardens, up to nine additional Church Council members and two lay members of the Eastern Archdeaconry Synod. Whilst Churchwardens & Church Council members are elected for one year, the members of the Archdeaconry Synod are elected to serve for the following three years. A form for nominations for all of these positions is on the noticeboard at the back of Church. Each person nominated needs a proposer & seconder and all three must be members of the CER. The consent of the proposed candidate is also required.

We are a predominantly young congregation yet, with three exceptions, the current Church Council members are all over 60! It would be good to also have some younger people nominated to serve on the Church Council for this coming year!

Finally for this week…….

……. a recording of Jack Noonan’s sermon from last Sunday is now available to listen to and read by visiting here.

Until Sunday, not forgetting to change your clocks!

Best wishes
