Dear People & Friends of St. Clement’s,

Once again, this week, I’ve just got three things to highlight.

Firstly, our worship this coming Sunday…….

Sunday 26th July at 11.00 – Sung Eucharist for the Eighth Sunday after Trinity
We will be joined for worship by the Choir of Little St. Mary’s, Cambridge, UK, who are currently ‘on tour’ in Prague. Having spent part of this morning with them whilst they were rehearsing, I can assure you that we will be in for a musical treat on Sunday! They will be singing John Merbecke’s setting of Gloria, together with a setting of Sanctus, Benedictus & Agnus Dei, composed by their Musical Director, Simon Jackson.

Our Bible readings will be a responsive version of Psalm 145. 10-19; a third instalment of St. Paul’s Letter to the Ephesians – Ephesians 3. 14-21; together with St. John’s account of the ‘Feeding of the Five Thousand’ – John 6. 1-21. Cool Drinks and Light Refreshments will be served at the back of the Church following worship.

Secondly, our worship on Sundays in August…….

Sundays 2nd, 9th & 16th August at 11.00 – Sung Eucharist for the Ninth, Tenth & Eleventh Sundays after Trinity
I’m not planning to send out another ‘Weekly Message’ again for a couple of weeks but there will be a regular Sung Eucharist at 11.00 on each of the first three Sundays in August. Our Bible readings will continue to take us through Ephesians, whilst the Gospel readings will be further sections of John 6, which records the discourse by Jesus, following his ‘Feeding of the Five Thousand’.

Sybille and I will then be on holiday for a week from Monday 17th-Monday 24th August. Therefore on Sunday 23rd August, there will be a Service of the Word, led by Jack Noonan and with Rev’d Dr Karen Moritz preaching.

Thirdly, two forthcoming elections….

Diocesan Synod & General Synod
I along with Jack Noonan and Gordon Truefitt, have recently received papers about the forthcoming elections to our Diocesan Synod and to the Church of England’s General Synod. To be nominated to stand for election to the House of Laity of either of these bodies, you only need to be a member of the Church Electoral Roll (CER). Therefore, if you are one of those sixty members of our CER and are interested in knowing more, please speak with either Jack, Gordon or me. The closing date for nominations to be received, is Friday 28th August 2015.

Until I write again, which will be somewhere in the middle of August.

Best wishes
