Dear People & Friends of St. Clement’s,

This coming Sunday is one of those occasions that happens two or three times a year, when a Saint’s Day or Festival falls on a Sunday, and the Bible readings set for that feast, take precedence over those set for the normal Sunday. 25th January is the Feast of the Conversion of St. Paul and we are going to celebrate it, rather than marking the Third Sunday of Epiphany.

Sunday 25th January at 11.00 – Sung Eucharist for the Feast of the Conversion of St. Paul
Our first Bible reading will be Acts 9. 1-22 which describes the conversion of Paul on the road to Damascus. In addition, we will hear a short passage from one of Paul’s letters, Galatians 1. 11-16a. Our Gospel reading will be Matthew 19. 27-30 where Jesus speaks of the reward for those who have left everything to follow him. There will be parallel Children’s Ministry and, following worship, Coffee Hour in the hall on the third floor of Klimentská 18.

Tuesday 27th January – 18.30-20.00 in the small meeting room on the first floor of Klimentská 18.
Our regular Tuesday evening meetings for Study and Fellowship continue this coming Tuesday with our second Bible Study looking at St. Paul’s Letter to the Philippians. We shall commence from where we finished last Tuesday, Chapter 1. 27 and go through to the end of Chapter 2. As has been our pattern for the last couple of years, we’ll spend the last twenty minutes or so, saying Evening Prayer together.

It was nice to have a new face last Tuesday evening as well as some regulars. If the outside door of Klimentská 18 is locked, please press the bell marked Kancelář & we’ll buzz you in!

Friday 30th January 19.00 – 23.00 – Burns Night Supper & Ceilidh
Full details of our third Burns Night Supper & Ceilidh can be found here. Thank you to everyone who has already booked their places with Gordon. If you haven’t yet done so, please do so ASAP.

Please use the flyer to invite your friends to join you for what should be a most enjoyable evening. If you are on Facebook, then you can share details of the event using the post on our Church Facebook page. Gordon has also created it as an ‘Event’ on Facebook which you can also use as a way of making it known to other Facebook friends.

The final two things for this week – hoping that you’ve read all the way down to here :-)
I met with František from the Salvation Army yesterday, so he could collect the contents of the red wheelie bin at the back of Church where we had collected
warm winter clothing for men & women, supporting their work with the homeless in Prague. Thank you to everybody who helped fill it! But it’s now empty! So lets start again to refill it. Likewise, the other red wheelie bin for tinned food, is not very full. Therefore I would like to hear plenty of ‘clonks’ from tins of food being dropped into that bin, before worship on Sunday.

And if you weren’t in Church last Sunday, or even if you were and want to listen again, then my sermon is available online here.

Looking forward to seeing many of you on Sunday & don’t forget to book your places for the Ceilidh!
