Dear People & Friends of St. Clement’s,

Do join us once more, for worship this coming Sunday!

Sunday 19th March at 11.00 – Sung Eucharist for the Third Sunday of Lent

As well saying Psalm 95 responsively, we shall hear some of what St Paul has to say about being ‘justified by faith’ from Romans 5. 1-11. Our Gospel reading is the story of Jesus’ encounter with the Samaritan woman at the well, as recorded in John 4. 5-42. For the third Sunday running, you will not have to listen to me preaching :-) as our preacher will be Licensed Reader Jack Noonan. There will be parallel Children’s Ministry and following worship, Coffee Hour in the hall on the third floor of Klimentská 18.

Following Coffee Hour, I shall be heading to Praha hl.n. to catch the train to Dresden where I be will leading and preaching at the monthly English-language Anglican Service of Evening Prayer at the Frauenkirche.

Tuesday 21st March 18.30-20.00 in the small meeting room on the first floor of Klimentská 18.

The second of four Lent Study Evenings on the theme of ‘The Church’ – what is it, what should it be and what sort of Church would we like St. Clement’s to be in the future? Having last Tuesday explored what the Bible has to say about ‘The Church’, this coming Tuesday we will look at how the Early Church grew and developed. As usual, we will spend the last part of our time together saying Evening Prayer. If the ground floor door of Klimentská 18 is locked, press the bell marked Sborový Kancelář & we’ll buzz you in!

And now, an important message from Churchwarden Gordon Truefitt answering the question I keep being asked!

What happens to St Clement’s when Ricky leaves in May?!

Archdeacon Colin told us, when he visited us last week,  that we are unlikely to get a new Chaplain in post before the early part of 2018.  All being well we’ve got this covered.  Our very own Reverend Nathanial  has offered to cover this Interregnum for us, more or less full time, in exchange for accommodation for him and his family in the Chaplaincy flat, a monthly cash payment allowable in Czech law as tax and contributions free, and reimbursement of any Chaplaincy expenses he pays for.  This wonderful offer covers three potential problems for us; Nearly all our usual parish activities, including Brno, will be covered. We do not need to look for, and pay, locum clergy week by week which will conserve out financial resources, and free up Church Officers` and  Councillors` time. The Chaplaincy flat will not be left vacant with all the risks that would entail. There is also a big potential plus;  Nathanial is a priest with his own ministry and ideas which hopefully he will share with us; so maybe we can look forward to  getting something more than just `business as usual`!

We are at present checking-out all the legalities to set this up properly for all concerned.  If you have any query, comment, contribution, criticism, or complaint about any aspect of this proposed scheme, or the kind of priest we should be looking for as Chaplain;  now is the time to tell, text or email any Church officer or Council member; and let them have it. It`s our church family; it has to work for us all.

Which then appropriately leads on for me to remind you, once again, about the Annual Church Meeting.

Annual Church Meeting (ACM)

The ACM will take place on Sunday 9th April, immediately following worship that morning. To take part in and vote at the ACM, you need to be a member of the Church Electoral Roll (CER). A copy of the current CER is on the noticeboard at the back of the Church. There you will also find application forms to join the CER. These must be completed and returned no later than Saturday 25th March, fifteen days before the ACM. The form explains what makes you eligible to join. Any queries, please speak with me.

At the ACM, we will elect, two Churchwardens, up to nine additional Church Council members and two lay members of the Eastern Archdeaconry Synod. Whilst Churchwardens & Church Council members are elected for one year, the members of the Archdeaconry Synod are elected to serve for the following three years. A form for nominations for all of these positions is on the noticeboard at the back of Church. Each person nominated needs a proposer & seconder and all three must be members of the CER. The consent of the proposed candidate is also required.

Finally for this week……

……. a recording of David Hellam’s sermon from last Sunday is now available to listen to by visiting here . Unfortunately, we didn’t have a video camera going so you cannot see the additional illustrations provided by the children :-) And the brand new Spring edition of ‘The European Anglican’ magazine arrived last Monday & copies will be available free at the back of the Church this coming Sunday.

Best wishes
