Dear People & Friends of St. Clement’s,

Last Sunday, we had wonderful worship both in Prague and Brno. The Prague congregation was augmented by 6 Australian, 2 American & 2 British visitors, together with two American newbies, whilst we had 2 British visitors join the Brno congregation in the evening. So do plan to join us again for worship in Prague, this coming Sunday morning.

Sunday 14th September at 11.00 – Sung Eucharist for the Thirteenth Sunday after Trinity
The Biblical readings this Sunday are Psalm 103, which reminds us that ‘The Lord is full of compassion and mercy, slow to anger and of great kindness’; a further reading from the Letter of St. Paul to the Romans, Romans 14. 1-12; and Matthew 18. 21-35 which is all about forgiveness, including the parable of the unmerciful servant. There will be parallel Children’s Ministry and Cool Drinks and Light Refreshments will be served at the back of Church following our worship. A big ‘Thank you’ to Diane Tvaroha & Luca who have kindly volunteered for ‘refreshment duty!’

Tuesday 16th September 18.30-20.00 in the small meeting room on the first floor of Klimentská 18
The second in our series What should be the Christian response be to moral/ethical issues facing our world today? We are going to tackle the issue of religious freedom and religious persecution and try to answer the question ‘How free should we be to practice our faith?‘ As last week, in trying to answer the question, we’ll seek to find out what the Bible has to say about the issue and see whether the Old Testament has a different response to the teaching of Jesus in the New Testament. We’ll end our session by saying Evening Prayer together.

A Question……
….. that I meant to ask via my ‘Weekly Message’ a couple of weeks ago. Have you ever visited or worshipped at St Eadburgha’s Parish Church in Ebrington, Gloucestershire UK? Apparently a female member of the St. Clement’s congregation did so recently and I’d love to know who it was. The reason I know is that the Churchwarden has been in contact with me & told me so, but unfortunately he didn’t get a name. The reason the Churchwarden wrote to me is that his Church has a whole series of what he calls ‘Overseas Christian Friendship Links‘, brought about by those who visit them, and he wanted to additionally link to St. Clement’s Anglican Episcopal Church, Prague.

They’ll be more about this in due course, once I’ve digested a large envelope of material that I’ve since received through the post. But one thing the congregation of St Eadburgha’s do promise to do is to pray for their overseas links at their service on the first Sunday of each month. But if you were the visitor, then please let me know!

Outing on the afternoon of Sunday 28th September
As I wrote last week, on the afternoon of Sunday 28th September, following our Sung Eucharist with Bishop Robert marking the conclusion of the Eastern Archdeaconry Synod meeting, there will be an outing to visit the most remarkable Church at Slavětín nad Ohří. Full details can be found here. Whilst the trip is being put on for Synod delegates, it also open to members of the St. Clement’s congregation and I hope that many of you will be interested in joining us for what should be a most fascinating and enjoyable afternoon. Provisionally, the cost will be 350 Kč per person. This will cover the cost of travel by coach, together with the provision of Smažený sýr + hranolky + tatarská omáčka at our afternoon refreshment stop.

If you are interested in going on the trip, there will be a notice on the noticeboard at the back of Church from this Sunday, where you can sign up. Or alternatively, just drop me an email. Thank you to all those who have already responded to me after last week’s message.

Looking forward to many of you again at worship this Sunday.

Best wishes
