Dear People & Friends of St. Clement’s,

I must start my ‘Weekly Message’ by apologising for not sending out a ‘Weekly’ last week. I had every intention of doing so whilst I was in Freiburg, Germany. But a combination of a wifi network that didn’t want to connect with my laptop and a busy programme at the CAECG meeting I was attending, meant it wasn’t really possible :-( So now to make amends!

Sunday 12th March at 11.00 – Family Eucharist for the Second Sunday of Lent

Our worship this coming Sunday will include numerous contributions from our Children and Young People. Our Biblical readings will be Romans 4:1-5 & 13-17, together with the Gospel reading John 3. 1-17 which records the night time meeting between Nicodemus and Jesus. It also includes that most famous verse, ‘For God so loved the world that he gave his only Son, so that everyone who believes in him may not perish but may have eternal life’. David Hellam will be our preacher, aided by some of the children :-) Following worship, there will be Coffee Hour in the hall on the third floor of Klimentská 18.

Tuesday 14th March 18.30-20.00 in the small meeting room on the first floor of Klimentská 18

The first of four Lent Study Evenings on the theme of ‘The Church’ – what is it, what should it be and what sort of Church would we like St. Clement’s to be in the future? At our first meeting, I will be exploring what the Bible has to say about ‘The Church’. As usual, we will spend the last part of our time together saying Evening Prayer. If the ground floor door of Klimentská 18 is locked, press the bell marked Sborový Kancelář & we’ll buzz you in!

Annual Church Meeting (ACM)

The ACM will take place on Sunday 9th April, immediately following worship that morning. To take part in and vote at the ACM, you need to be a member of the Church Electoral Roll (CER). A copy of the current CER is on the noticeboard at the back of the Church. There you will also find application forms to join the CER. These must be completed and returned no later than Saturday 25th March, fifteen days before the ACM. The form explains what makes you eligible to join. Any queries, please speak with me.

At the ACM, we will elect, two Churchwardens, up to nine additional Church Council members and two lay members of the Eastern Archdeaconry Synod. Whilst Churchwardens & Church Council members are elected for one year, the members of the Archdeaconry Synod are elected to serve for the following three years. A form for nominations for all of these positions will be on the noticeboard at the back of Church this coming Sunday. Each person nominated needs a proposer & seconder and all three must be members of the CER.


Both my sermon from Sunday 26th February and that by Archdeacon on Sunday 5th March, are now available to listen to on our Church website. Click on one or both of these links.

Finally for this week……

…….copies of the new March-June ICS News & Prayer Diary which includes an article by me :-) , will be available free at the back of Church this coming Sunday.

Best wishes
